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heart and whitehead-affected panicles were higher 3.0 mg 1 2, 4-D was found the best for callusing
in farmer seed plots. Further analysis showed that (90.00%). Statistically similar frequency of callus
farmers practicing good seed management was produced on the medium N 6 Macro salts + 1.6
obtained higher yield in comparison to those gl spirulina supplemented with 2.5 mg 1 2,4-D
having poor management. Moreover, farmers of (86.66%), 2.0 mg l 2,4-D (86.66%) and half N 6 +
small farm size group obtained higher yield than 1.6 g spirulina fortified with 3.0 mg 1 2,4-D
those of large and medium groups due to better (83.33%). The control condition with 1.5 mg l 2,
seed management practices. Among the various 4-D produced the lowest (53.33%) number of
constraints, rice diseases and insect/pest infestation callus. Plantlet regeneration was significantly
were the prominent ones causing 4% and 3.6% higher in the calli, derived from the medium
production loss respectively in farmers' seed plots. containing 2,4-D at 2.5 mgl . Among these calli,
Total loss in farmers' seed plots was 12.93% and 74.33% regenerated in whole green plants.
12.46% in Boro and T. Aman seasons,
respectively. However, in clean seed plots, the 394 JAHAN, M.S.; ISLAM, M.T. & SARDER,
corresponding losses were only 8.72 and 8.18%. S. (Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University,
Khulna). Effect of Nitrogen on the Performance of
393 ISLAM, M.M.; KHAN, S.A.K.U.; KHAN, 'Bapui Aus' Rice during Aman Season. South Asian J.
H.I.; PERVIN, T.; BHUIYAN, M.R.K. & Agric., 2006, 1(2), 8-12.
BISWAS, D. (Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna
University, Khulna). Effect of Spirulina Containing An experiment was conducted at the experimental
Modified n 6 Medium and 2, 4-d on Callus field of Agrotecnology Discipline, Khulna
Induction and Subsequent Morphogenesis from University, Khulna during Aman Season, 2005 to
Mature Seeds of Rice. South Asian J. Agric., 2007, study the effect of nitrogen on the performance of
2 (1 & 2), 7-10. a local rice variety, 'Bapui Aus'. The experiment
was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block
The present study was conducted in the Plant Design (RCBD). There were five different levels
Tissue Culture Laboratory of Agrotechnology of nitrogen viz 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg N ha . The
Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, during the treatments were replicated three limes. At maturity
period from August 2006 to January 2007. The data were collected on plant height, yield and yield
effect of spirulina and various concentrations of attributes. There was significant difference among
2,4-D on callus induction and subsequent the treatments for all the parameters studied. The
morphogenesis from mature seeds of rice var. highest plant height, effective tillers hill , panicle
kalizira were investigated. Full dose of N6 medium length, filled grains panicle' , 1000-grain weight,
was taken as control medium and compositions grain yield and harvest index were obtained when
consisted of half dose N 6 salt with 1.6 gl spirulina nitrogen was applied @ 80 kg ha . The treatments
and N 6 macro salts with 1.6 gl spirulina were 60 and 80 kg N ha gave statistically similar
used in the study. The frequency of callus results except for filled grains panicle . For all the
induction varied from 53.33% to 90.00% studied parameters the lowest performance was
depending on the interaction of spirulina and shown by the control treatment. Grain yield was
different concentrations of 2,4-D. Among the well correlated with filled grains panicleb and
different media and 2, 4-D concentrations, N 6 harvest index.
Macro salts + 1.6 gl spirulina supplemented with