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application of N fertilizer but P fertilizer had the above parameters (green forage, DM and
showed significant effect (P<0.1) on the P CP). The nutrient contents such as CP, ash and
concentration of oat forage. It may be NFE content (% DM basis) decreased (P<0.01)
recommended to cultivate oat forage with 110 kg and the DM, CE and EE contents increased
urea N and 10 kg P/ha from TSP and harvested at significantly (P<0.01) with increasing the stages
80 days after sowing for optimum nutritive value of maturity. Due to increasing levels of N, the
and macro mineral concentration. content of DM, CP, CE and EE increased
significantly (P<0.01) while the ash and NFE
384 UDDIN, M.N.; SULTANA, M.M. (Faculty contents decreased. Same trend for the DM, CP,
of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, CE and EE contents for oat forage was observed
Belgium); & KHANDAKER, Z.H. (Dept. of due to application of P fertilizer. Interactions
Animal Nutrition, Bangladesh Agricultural among the stage of maturity, N and P fertilizer
University, Mymensingh). Effect of Levels of (ABC) only significantly (P<0.05) affect the
Nitrogen with or Without Phophorus Fertilizer on content of NFE and Interaction between N and P
Oat (Avena Sativa) Forage Production Harvested at (AB) had a significant role in the content of all
Various Ages: i. Yield and Nutrients Content. most all the nutrient contents (DM, CP, CF, EE
Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34(1 & 2), 63-71. and ash). However, no significant interactions
between stage of maturity and N (AB), stage of
The experiment was conducted in order to evaluate maturity and P fertilizer (AC) in respect of
the level of N with or without P fertilizer on yield nutrient contents was observed. Based on the
and nutrient contents of oat forage at different above findings, it may be suggested that oat
stages of maturity. The experiment was forage can be cultivated with 110 kg urea N/ha
conducted using three levels of N fertilizer (0, 55 and 10 kg P/ha and harvested at 80 days after
and 110 kg urea N/ha), two levels of P fertilizer sowing for optimum production.
(TSP) (0 and 10 kg P/ha) and three stages of
maturity (60, 70 and 80 days after sowing). Yield 633.11 : AGRICULTURE : WHEAT
of green forage, DM and CP of oat forage
increased progressively and significantly 385 ADHIKARY, S.K.; ALAM, M.Z.;
(P<0.01) as the stage of maturity increased from HAIDER, S.A. & PAUL, N.K. (Dept. of Botany,
60 to 80 days. Similarly, application of N and P Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Leaf Anatomical
fertilizer had a significant (P<0.01) effect on Characters in Relation to Grain Yield of Wheat
yield characteristics. As the level of N fertilizer (Triticum Aestivum L.) Cultivars. J. Bio-Sci., 2007,
(urea) increased from 0 to 110 kg urea N/ha and 15, 153-158.
P fertilizer level from 0 to 10 kg P/ha, the yield
of green forage, DM and CP also increased An experiment was carried out to study the
significantly (P<0.01). A significant (P<0.05) variability of leaf anatomical characters of wheat
interactions among stage of maturity, N and P (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars and their
fertilizer (ABC) in CP yield, between N and P association with grain yields. Results indicated that
fertilizer in green forage, DM and CP yield were in most of the cases cultivar differences were
observed. No interactions between stage of significant. In respect of 6 leaf anatomical
maturity and N fertilizer (AB) and stage of characters, simple correlation coefficients
maturity and P fertilizer (AC) were observed for indicated that most of the leaf anatomical traits had