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significant negative relation with grain  yield
             whereas in respect of flag leaf anatomical  trails,   387 HOSSAIN, M.I. (Regional Wheat Research
             only the association between  radial  dimension  of   Centre, Rajshahi); UDDIN, J.  (SRDI, Regional
             big xylem vessel and grain yield was significantly   Laboratory,  Rajshahi);   RAHMAN,       M.A.;
             negative  and  the correlation between number of     AHMED, M.  (SRDI, Regional Laboratory,
             veins and grain yield was significantly positive.    Rajshahi) & QUDDUS, K.G.  (Agrotechnology
                                                                  Discipline, Khulna University,  Khulna).  Raised-
             386 HOSSAIN, M.I. (Regional Wheat Research           bed Land Management for  Increasing  Wheat
             Centre, Shyampur, Rajshshi); ISLAM, M.K.             Production under Rice-Wheat Cropping Systems.
             (Dept. of Crop Science and Technology, Rajshahi      South Asian J. Agric., 2006, 1(2), 55-58.
             Univerity, Rajshahi); SUFIAN,  M.A.  (Wheat
             Research Centre, Dinajpur); MEISNER, C.A.            A study was conducted during three wheat related
             (Cornell University) & ISLAM, M.S.  (Dept. of        cropping seasons at the Regional Wheat Research
             Genetics and Breeding, Rajshahi  University,         Center experimental field in Rajshahi, Bangladesh,
             Rajshahi). Effect of Planting Method and Nitrogen    to compare the effects of tillage options, nitrogen
             Levels on the Yield and Yield Attributes of Wheat.   levels and nitrogen management  strategies  on
             J. Bio-Sci., 2006, 14, 127-130.                      wheat. Two tillage system :  (manually  prepared,
                                                                  permanent  bed and conventionally tilled on the
             A  field  trial was conducted during the winter      flat),  two  nitrogen  management    practices
             season  of  2001-2002  to find out the effect of     (broadcast, and furrow placement between  wheat
             planting method and nitrogen levels  on  wheat.      rows) and three N levels (50, 100 and 150% N ha
             Effects of two planting methods viz. bed planting    of recommended N dose representing 60, 120 and
             and  conventional  planting were studied on three    180 kg ha ) were used. Wheat yields predictably
             nitrogen levels viz. 50,100 & 150 kg /ha on wheat    responded to N fertilizer rates in all years over all
             (var. Protiva). Planting methods  exhibited          treatments. There were no significant differences
             significant variation in respect of all the characters   between the two nitrogen management practices in
             studied. The maximum grain yield (3.60 t/ha) was     2 out of 3 years. Using raised beds at 150% N rate
             obtained from bed planting. Different levels  of     gave statistically higher yield in all  years.  Using
             nitrogen significantly influenced on yield and yield   raised beds at 50% N rate was statistically similar
             attributing parameters of wheat. The highest grain   to 150% conventionally tilled in all years. The data
             yield (3.70 t/ha) was recorded from 150 kg N per     indicate that by using raised beds  compared  to
             hectare. The interaction effects of planting         conventional tillage, nitrogen uptake and efficiency
             methods and nitrogen levels showed the significant   can be increased. The maximum N uptake by the
             difference in respect of spike/m , spike length and   grain and total N uptake by the plant was recorded
             grain yield. Highest grain yield (4.04 t/ha)  was    in  PB where the highest dose of N was applied.
             obtained at bed planting using 150  kg  N  per       Permanent  bed tillage systems also showed
             hectare. Though higher rate of  N  are  used  but    substantial water saving (35%) over the  CTF
             lodging  of  plant height was not noticed. The       treatments. Thus, in areas where water resources
             correlation analysis showed that the rate of change   are often limited and nutrient  uptake  and
             of grain yield was highly dependent upon the rate    efficiencies  are low, the use of raised beds in a
             of change of yield  contributing  characters  of     permanent bed cropping system would be a distinct
             wheat.                                               advantage.

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