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NAHAR, N. & BARI, M.A. (Biotechnology Technical knowledge was provided to the
Laboratory, Institute of Biological Sciences, farmers for growing lady's finger. Farmers grew
Rajshahi University, Rajshahi); Efficient Plant the crop with their own management and
Regeneration from Cotyledon and Midrib Derived resources. Variation was found in the date of
Callus in Eggplant (Solanum Melongena L.). J. sowing, rate of fertilizer application and number
Bio-Sci., 2006, 14, 31-38. of irrigation. The highest pod yield was
associated with better agronomic management
Somatic embryos were obtained from cotyledon that resulted higher gross margin production
and midrib explants of Solanum melongena L., margin. Lady's finger production, consumption
cultivar Loda. For callus induction, medium was and selling were increased from April to June
supplemented with different concentrations of with a peak in the month of June. Lady's finger
auxin singly or in combination with BAP. The best consumption was highest per head in case of
callusing 83-85% was obtained from both of the medium farmer and was decreased from medium
explants cultured on MS medium containing 2.0 farmer to marginal one. The utilization of money
mgl¯ NAA + 0.05 mgl¯ α BAP. Somatic earned from lady's finger selling followed a
embryogenesis and shoot regeneration was dissimilar pattern in different categories or
achieved after transferring the calli to MS medium farmers. Cultivation of lady's finger might be an
supplemented with BAP, GA 3, NAA and Zeatin. option for meeting the requirement of vegetable
Cotyledon derived calli showed better performance consumption, income generation and fulfilling
(87%) for regeneration than that of midrib (82%) the diversified demand of different category of
when sub cultured on MS medium having 2.0 mgl- farmers.
1 Zeatin + 1.0 mgl¯ BAP. For root induction, MS 381 SARKER, B.K.; ALAM, N.; AHMED,
+ 3.0 mgl-¯ IBA was proved to be better treatment F.A.; HOSSAIN, M.K. (Dept. of Botany,
for average number (14-15) and mean length (12 Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka) &
cm) of roots than those of other treatments. BHUIYAN, M.K.R. (Tuber Crop Research
Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research
380 RASHID, M.H.; NUR-E-ELAHI, M. & Institute, Gazipur). Variability, heritability and
KHAN, M.A.H. (RFS Division, Bangladesh Rice genetic advance in morphological forms of
Research Institute, Gazipur). The Participation of Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta (L.) Schott.
Different Categories of Farmers for the Production Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (1), 1-5.
and Utilization of Lady's Finger (Hibiscus
esculentus L.). Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41 (1 The genetic variability for number of stolon, length
& 2), 15-22. of stolon, diameter of stolon, length of rhizome,
girth of rhizome, yield of rhizome, leaf area index
A study was conducted at the Farming Systems (LAI), yield of stolon per plant were estimated in
Research and Development (FSR&D) site of 12 morphological forms of Colocasia esculenta
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) var. esculenta. Wide range of variability was found
during kharif-I, 1999 to find the agronomic in case of length of stolon, yield of stolon per plant
management followed for lady's finger and yield of rhizome. The highest heritability along
cultivation by the different categories of farmers with the highest genetic advance were recorded for
and to understand its production, consumption length of stolon followed by yield of stolon per
and disposal pattern together with its economy. plant. The present findings suggests that the