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Methanol extract of C. capsularis seed showed Cassia alata with the help of column and thin
toxicity at all the duration. layer chromatography using a gradient of
organic solvents with increasing polarity. The
368 RAHMAN, M.M. (Dept. of Zoology, compound was characterized on the basis of UV,
Mollah Azad Memorial College, Naogaon) & IR, H-NMR, C-NMR and Mass spectrometry.
ISLAM, W. (Institute of Biological Sciences,
Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Effect of Acetonic 370 RAHMAN, M.S.; HASAN, A.J.M.M.;
Extracts of Calotropis procera R (Ait.) on ALI, M.Y. & ALI, M.U. (BCSIR Laboratories,
Reproductive Potential of Flat Grain Beetle Rajshahi). Studies on the Isolation of
Cryptolestes pusillus (Schon.) (Coleoptera: Parahydroxy Benzoic Acid from the Leaves of
Cucujidae). Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42(2), Cassia Alata. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41(1
157-162. & 2), 89-92.
Acetonic extracts of Akanda was tested against Studies were carried out on the leaves of Cassia
different parameters of the life cycle of alata. Parahydroxy benzole acid was isolated
Cryptolestes pusillus. The lowest and highest from the leaves of Cassia alata with the help of
oviposition rate (0.89±0.26 and 2.67±0.33 column and thin layer chromatography using a
egg/female/day), hatching rate (14.67±0.53 % and gradient of organic solvents with increasing
51.11±0.59 %), adult emergence (16.89 % and polarity. The compound was characterized on
40.89 %), and longevity (male 64.78±1.01day and the basis of UV, IR, H-NMR and Mass
105.67±1.09 day) and female (69.56±0.38 day and spectrometry.
113.22±0.57 day) were found in doses (552.413 371 SHAHJAHAN, R.M.; KHAN, M.
and 163.678µgcm ) whereas in control they were (Institute of Food and Radiation Biology, Atomic
4.89±0.35 egg/female/day, 91.22±1.02%, 88.44 %, Energy Research Establishment, Savar, Dhaka);
156.11±1.37 day and 169.67±2.52 day SHAH JAHAN, R.M. & ALAM, M. S. (Dept. of
respectively. But highest and lowest incubation Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). Radiation
period (7.33±0.33 day and 4.89±0.35 day) and And Ems Induced Mutation In The Fruit Fly,
developmental period (71.67±0.60 and 39.89±0.26 Bactrocera Cucurbitae (COQ). Bang. J. Zool.,
days) occurred in the same doses and in control 2007, 35(2), 251-258.
these are 4.11±0.26 egg/female/day and
33.44±0.50 days. Attempts were directed towards the isolation of a
pupal colour mutant marker strain and sex-specific
369 RAHMAN, M.S.; HASAN, A.J.M.M. translocation of this marker to develop a genetic
(BCSIR Laboratories, Rajshahi); ALI, M.Y. & sexing strain in the melonfly, Bactrocera
ALI, M.U. (Dept. of Chemistry, Rajshahi cucurbitae. The eggs, larvae, pupae and adults of
University, Rajshahi). A Flavone from the Leaves B. cucurbitae were treated with various doses of
of Cassia Alata. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41(1 EMS and the pupae were irradiated with a dose of
& 2), 93-96. 4 Gy gamma radiation. From these treated insects,
the number of eggs hatched, larvae pupated and
Studies were carried out on the leaves of Cassia adult emerged in the subsequent generations were
alata. A flavone 3,5,7,4′ -tetrahy-droxy flavone recorded. Brown, black and white pupae mutants
was isolated as a new source from the leaves of were observed. Altogether 250 single pair families