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respect of its developmental period, fecundity and   (Coleoptera  :   Coccinellidae)  Feeding   on
             longevity.                                           Tetranychus urticae koch). J. Bio-Sci., 2007, 15, 1-
             358  BEGUM, S.; NASIM, M.  (Dept. of
             Zoology,    Dhaka    University,  Dhaka)    &        The duration of hatching, larval instars and pupal
             MAJUMDER, M.Z.R.  (Institute of Food and             stages of  Stethorus punctillum feeding on two-
             Radiation Biology, Radiation  Entomology  and        spotted spider mite,  Tetranychus urticae were
             Acarology  Division,  Atomic Energy Research         investigated in different seasons  under  laboratory
             Establishment,  Dhaka). Some Biological Aspects      conditions.  The  highest values ot different
             of  the Hairly Maggot Blowfly,  Chrysomya            developmental stages were obtained during winter.
             rufifacies  (Macquart.   1842)    (Diptera   :       Higher temperature significantly reduced the
             Calliphoridae). Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35 (2), 367-   duration of different developmental stages.  No
             380.                                                 significant  effect  of relative humiity was exerted
                                                                  on the development stages of  S.  punctillum. The
             The life cycle of Chrysomya rufifacies from egg to   predation rate ot fourth instar larva of S. punctillum
             adult was 10.2 ± 2.39 days at 25 ± 5 °C. The mean    was the highest whereas the  first  instar  larva
             incubation period was 11.6 ± 1.14 hours, and the     consumed the lowest number of prey. The fourth
             mean larval, pre-pupal and pupal periods were 94.6   instar larva of the predator consumed 135.8 eggs,
             ±  12.82, 52.8 ± 10.73 and 81.6 ± 27.36 hours,       126.4 larvae, 96.6 nymphs and 72.8 adults per day
             respectively. There were three larval instars, each   separately. But the first instar consumed 41 6 eggs,
             larva  consisted of 12 segments; the second and      36.2 larvae, 26.8 nymphs and  16.8  adults  during
             third instar larvae had long  tubercles  or  hairy   the same period.
             spines from the 4   segment upto to the 12
             segment. The pupae were exarate adecticous type.     360  FARHANA, K.; ISLAM, H.;  EMRAN,
             Mating took place after two days of  adult           E.H. & ISLAM, N.  (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi
             emergence. Copulation existed from  two  to  nine    University,  Rajshahi). Toxicity and Repellant
             minutes. The mean pre-oviposition, oviposition       Activity  of  Three Spice Materials On  Tribolium
             and post-oviposition periods were 14.8 ± 3.96,       castaneum (Herbst)  Adults.  J. Bio-Sci., 2006,
             10.2 ± 0.83 and 3.6 ± 1.52 days, respectively. The   14,131-134.
             female laid only two egg  batches, and  fecundity
             was  on an average of 358.4 ± 16.21 eggs per         The    chloroform    extracts  of    coriander
             female.  The  longevity of the female was longer     (Coriandrum      sativum     L.),     ajowain
             than the male. Mated adults lived longer than the    (Trachyspermum ammi(L) Link.) and fenugreek
             un-mated ones. Percentage of  mortality,  egg        (Trigonella foenum-grecum  L.) were tested
             hatching, adult emergence and mating, and            against the red  flour  beetle,  Tribolium
             oviposition preference were also observed.           castaneum  (Hbst.) adults through residual film
                                                                  assay and their repellent activity were  also
             359  BISWAS, G.C.; ISLAM, W.  (Institute of          conducted. The LD 50 values for  coriander,
             Biological   Sciences,   Rajshahi   University,      ajowain and fenugreek were  316.173  and
             Rajshahi) & HAQUE, M.M.  (Dept. of Zoology,          243.5895, 271.4573 and 232.7095, and 159.0106
             Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Biology and          and 4.194236 ug/cm   for  24- and 48 h of
             Predation   of  Stethorus   punctillum  Weise        exposure respectively. According to the intensity

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