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during the months of March to July in the year of Spore Population in Chickpea. Bang. J. Microbiol.,
2005-2007. The objectives were to evaluate the 2005, 22 (1), 15-18.
response of tuberose to B and Zn micronutrients
and to find out the optimum dose of Boron and A pot experiment was conducted to study the effect
Zinc for maximizing flower yield and quality of of different combinations of arbuscular
tuberose. Sixteen treatments comprising four levels mycorrhizae (AM), Rhizobium (R), nitrogen (N)
of B (0, 1, 2 and 3 kg ha¯ ) and four levels of Zn and phosphorus (P) on root colonization in
(0, 1.5, 3.5 and 4.5 kg ha¯ ) along with blanket chickpea and spore population in the rhizosphere
dose of N 300P 90K 170S 20 kg/ha and cow dung 5 t/ha soil. The experiment was designed in complete
were used in the trial. Tuberose (CV. double) was randomised design (CRD) with 14 treatments
taken as a test crop. It was revealed that B and Zn replicated 5 times. The treatment R+AM+N
and their combination had a profound effect on recorded the highest percent root colonization in
flower characters and flower yield of Tuberose. It three growth stages of chickpea, Arbuscular
was also evident that Boron-Zinc integration was mycorrhizal inoculation, either individually or in
appeared to be more responsive than their single combination with Rhizobium or dual inoculation
applications. All the studied parameters like plant along with N and P fertilizers significantly
height, effective leaves, length of rachis and spike, increased spore population over control in all
number of florets and flower size and weight of growth stages of chickpea. Dual inoculation was
stick were greatly influenced with the added higher found to be superior to individual inoculation.
doses of boron-zinc combination but subsequent Higher percent root colonization and spore
augmentation of B and Zn suppressed the flower population was observed at 50% flowering stage
production. However, the longest mean spike compared to other two stages. Glomus and
length (93.50 cm and 89.96 cm), maximum Acaulospora were found abundantly compared to
number of florets (49.13 and 54.18/spike) and the other genera in the rhizosphere soil of chickpea.
highest stick yield (114 g and 123.8 g) were
recorded with combined application of B 20 Zn 30 kg 348 KHAN, M.A.I.; HUDA, M.E. (Dept. of
ha¯ α and 126% increased flower stick yield was Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University,
found to be contributed by said treatment Savar, Dhaka); HOSSAIN, A.M.M.M.; ELAHI,
combination T 11 ((B 20Zn 30 kg ha¯ ) which was S.F. (Dept. of Soil, Water and Environment, Dhaka
significantly more higher over all other treatment University, Dhaka) & ISLAM, M.S. (Analytical
combination. Similar result trend was also noticed Research Division, BCSIR, Dhaka). Physico-
in single application of B and Zn but their effect Chemical and Biological Aspects of Monsoon
was not distinctly pronounced. Waters of Ashulia for Economic and Aesthetic
Applications: Preliminary Studies. Bang. J. Sci.
347 KHANAM, D. (Soil Science Division, Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (4), 377-396.
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh);
MRIDHA, M.A.U. (Dept. of Botany, Chittagong In the north-eastern part of Dhaka the Turag River'
University, Chittagong) & SOLAIMAN, A.R.M. extends over Ashulia thana with a few branches.
(Dept. of Soil Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur The north-eastern part of Ashulia thana mainly
Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Salna, constitute low lands with a physiography of
Gazipur). Effect of Dual Inoculation of Arbuscular Madhupur Tract interlaced with Brahmaputra
Mycorrhiza and Rhizobium on Root Colonization and Floodplain. Monsoon extends over these lands