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18 (1), 19-25.                                       three levels of boron (0, 1.5 and 3.0 kg/ha) were
                                                                  included in the study. A blanket dose of the N P K
             A study .was carried out to evaluate the effect of   S Zn and cowdung @ 300, 50, 125, 20, 4 kg/ha and
             cowdung and chemical fertilizer in  different        5 t/ha were also used in all the treatments plots. It
             combinations  on the growth, yield and physico-      was  evident  from  the two years results that both
             mechanical properties such as fineness, brightness   lime  and  boron  had significant influence on the
             and bundle strength of jute. All the parameters of   yield of hybrid maize at the acidic as well as boron
             growth, yield and physico-mechnical properties of    deficient soil of the experimental site.  Dolomite
             jute increased with the different treatments over    produced 62 % higher yield  over  boron-lime
             control.  The  most fine fibre (35.20µ) was found    control (L 0B 0). As a source,  dolomite  produced
             with cow dung at 4 t/ha and comparatively coarse     12%  higher  maize yield than Agricultural lirne.
             fibre (39.0µ) with control. Highest bundle strength   The  highest  grain yield (8.10 t/ha) was recorded
             (10.51 lbs/mg) and brightness (23.20%)  were         with highest level of Boron @ 3.0 kg/ha which was
             found  with cowdung 4 t/ha + 50% dose of             29 % higher compared to Boron control (B 0). The
             chemical fertilizers) than control and  chemical     integrated effect of lime and boron  was  highly
             fertilizer with out cowdung. Highest plant height    significant and dominantly influenced the grain
             (3.96 m), base diameter (13.60 mm), green weight     yield  and  other  yield attributes of hybrid maize.
             with leaves (52.20t/ha) and fibre yield (3.5  t/ha)   The  highest  mean  grain yield (8.34 t/ha) was
             also found with same dose (cow dung 4 t/ha +50%      obtained with the combined effect of dolomite @ 2
             chemical  fertilizers).  Cow  dung at 6t/ha + 50%    t/ha and boron @ 3.0 kg/ha and 68% higher over
             chemical fertilizers contributed highest soil organic   lime boron control (L 0B 0) plots yield. Although the
             matter (1.25%), N (0.093%), P  (18ppm)  and  K       highest  gross  margin (Tk. 40,067/ha) was found
             (0.19  meq/100 gm) over the initials and other       with the aforesaid treatment (dolo chun + B 30) but
             treatments.  Combined  application of organic and    highest  Marginal Rate of Return (754 %) was
             chemical fertilizers may be helpful to obtain        recorded with the application of Agricullural lime
             quality fibre and higher yield of jute.              @  2  t/ha  and boron @ 3.0 kg/ha which was
                                                                  economically   profitable  for  hybrid  maize
             345   HALDER,      N.K.;   SIDDIKY,     M.A.;        production.
             AHMED, R. (Soil & Water Management Section,
             HRC, BARI, Gazipur); SHEEL, N.C. & ULLAH,            346   HALDER,      N.K.;   SIDDIKY,     M.A.;
             M.H.  (Soil Science Division,  BARI,  Gazipur).      AHMED, R. (Soil & Water Management Section,
             Effect of Lime and Boron on the Yield of Hybrid      HRC, BARI,  Gazipur); SHARIFUZZAMAN,
             Maize in Tista Meander Flood Plain Soils.  South     S.M. & ARA, K.A. (Floriculture Division, HRC.
             Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2 (1 & 2), 45-50.             BARI, Gazipur).  Performance of Tuberose  as
                                                                  Influenced by Boron and Zinc  in  Grey  Terrace
             A  field study was carried out at Tista Meander      Soils  at  Joydebpur Region of Bangladesh. South
             Floodplain Soils of Agricultural Research Station,   Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2 (1 & 2), 51-56.
             Burirhat, Rangpur during the rabi seasons of 2002-
             2003  and  2003-2004. The objective was to           A field study of Boron and Zinc  on  flower
             evaluate the response of hybrid maize (Pacific-11)   production of Tuberose was conducted  at
             to  lime  and boron. Lime from the source of         Floriculture Research Farm  of  Horticulture
             Agricultural lime and dolomite @ 2 t/ha along with   Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur,  Gazipur

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