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(Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture with paddy       31.4% in Manikganj and 16.5-32.6% in Netrokona.
             in  a  semi-saline coastal environment. While the    The bacterial brown stripe pathogen was detected
             fish and prawn were cultured in three different      from 22 seed samples (73.3%) collected from three
             combinations of (i) GIFT alone (T 1), (ii) GIFT and   locations indicating that the pathogen is  an
             prawn in the 1:1 ratio (T 2), and (iii) prawn alone   emerging threat to rice growers in Bangladesh. A.
             (T 3) at a stocking density of  10,000/ha,  seven    avenae subsp.  avenae was identified by various
             different  rice varieties, viz. HR-1, HR-14,         methods, including colony morphology,  pigment
             BRRIdhan-23, BRRIdhan-23 (L), BRRIdhan-40,           production on King's B and biochemical tests. The
             BRRIdhan-41.  Horkoz  (local variety) were also      virulence test revealed that the  organism  is
             evaluated   simultaneously  for   their  yield       pathogenic to rice and sweet  corn.  Furthermore,
             performance. After 120 days of rearing, the GIFT     the  pathogen  has hypersensitive response to non-
             attained a higher average weight of 86.30 g in T 2,   host tobacco and pepper plants. The study suggests
             than that of 78.50 g  in  T 1. Average growth of     that  an  effective control measures should be
             prawn was almost similar in both T 3 (22.10 g) and   designed in order to limit  further  spread  of  the
             T 2 (22.30 g). Despite of the low recovery rate of   pathogen.
             both the GIFT (18% in T 1 and 22% in T 2) and
             prawn (26.54% in T 1 and 37.0%  in  T 2), the total   392  HARUN, M.E.; ISLAM,  M.K.;  RAHMAN,
             fish  production was 141.30 kg/ha, 136 kg/ha         A.J.M.M.  (Bangladesh  Rice Research Institute,
             (GIFT, 94.93 kg and prawn, 40.89 kg) and 57.87       Gazipur); DIAZ, C.  (Social Science Division, IRRI,
             kg/ha in T 1, T 2, and T 3  respectively. Among the   Los  Banos, The Philippines) & RAHMAN, K.M.
             rice varieties, BRRIdhan-23 resulted in the highest   (Dept. of Economics, Jahangirnagar University,
             yield of 5.09 t/ha, followed by BRRIdhan-41 (4.84    Savar, Dhaka). Productivity enhancement  through
             t/ha). However, the duration of paddy ripening was   rice seed quality improvement practices. Bang. J.
             90 days for HR-1 and HR-14, while that of 110-       Life Sci., 2006, 18 (2), 113-119.
             120 days were for other varieties.
                                                                  A farmers' participatory research was conducted in
             391  HAQUE,  M.M.; RAHIM, M.A.  (Dept. of            Sreepur  under  Gazipur  district  to find out the
             Microbiology, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute,    possibility of enhancing rice yield  through  seed
             Dhaka) NAHER, K. (Dept. of Genetics and Plant        quality improvement. Study findings  reveals  that
             Breeding,  Bangladesh Agricultural University,       95% farmers practiced winnowing for selecting
             Mymensingh).  Acidovorax avenae Subspecies           heavy seeds and 87% of them found to have taken
             avenae: An Emerging Threat to Rice Growers in        special care in drying seeds before sowing. Almost
             Bangladesh. Bang. J. Microbiol., 2005, 22 (1), 37-   80% farmers reported to have taken special care in
             40.                                                  harvesting a selected portion of the field for seed
                                                                  and 97% of the farmers removed  unfilled  grains
             Prevalence of  Acidovorax avenae subsp.  avenae,     after harvest. Sixty two percent farmers used
             the causal agent of bacterial brown stripe disease   special storage like moika (earthen pot), polybag or
             of rice, was studied using slide  cassette  holder   fertilizer bag. Plants from clean seed plots found
             method.  Rice seed samples collected from the        more vigorous and uniform than those of farmers'
             farmers of three  selected  areas  of  Bangladesh.   own  managed seed plots. Using clean seeds also
             Seedlings   showing   bacterial  brown   stripe      significantly  increased  number of tillers and
             symptoms ranged from 7.0-40.5% in Tangail, 11.5-     panicles per hill. Sheath blight, Sheath  rot,  dead

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