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run was carried out for 30 minutes. The model was design and construction procedure. As
made of reinforced cement concrete with the embankment failure is a frequent natural disaster in
working section of 300 cm IP length and 111.5 cm Bangladesh, further in depth study of this
in width including a floodplain and a river channel phenomenon would be useful & may result in less
with the same length of 300 cm and widths of 90 economic losses incurred due to embankment
cm and 21.5 cm respectively and an embankment failure and contribute to the growth of the national
made of wooden plate with the thickness of 10 mm economy of this disaster prone country.
made in-between the floodplain and the river
channel. Different lengths and depths of breaches 329 ISLAM, M.Z. & DATTA, A.R.
were made in the embankment as per requirement. (Institute of Water and Flood Management
The mid points of the embankment breaches (IWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineening
during model runs were kept fixed at X-100 cm. and Technology (BUET), Dhaka). A STUDY ON
Medium sand (0.6-0.2 mm) with d 50=0.23 mm with DRAINAGE CONGESTION IN BEEL
the thickness of 6 cm was used as bed materials of KURALIA AND ITS MITIGATION
the floodplain of the model. To have the similarity APPROACH. IWFM Res. Bull., 2001-2002, 3, 39-
ratio the vertical and horizontal scale of the model 61.
were selected to be 100 and 1000 respectively. The
velocity scale ratio was calculated based on the Beel Kuralia, a part of greater Chalan Beel lies in
Froudian Similarity. Different L b of 5 cm, 10 cm, Pabna district of Bangladesh. Out of its gross area
20 cm & 30 cm in the model corresponded to 50 of 6,000 ha about 5,000 ha remains under water
m, 100 m, 200 m & 300 m in the prototype almost throughout the year due to drainage
respectively. The average discharge in the river congestion. Once the people could grow
channel at the upstream of the embankment breach abundance of agricultural crops here. But recently
at X=50 cm was observed to be 7606 cm /s in developed unplanned human activities like the
model runs 1-16. The scour depth formed on the construction of cross bunds, sluice gates etc. across
c/s floodplain due to embankment breach was the River Baral, the River Chiknai and their
measured at 2 cm interval along both longitudinal siltation have totally stopped the water flow
(X) and lateral (Y) directions. The results of the resulting in degradation of environment,
analyses showed that the mean velocities and agriculture, fisheries, health, employment and
discharges into the floodplain through the consequently socio-economical conditions of the
embankment breach and the mean velocities at the people of the region. In this regard A Study on
. ‘
scouring location decreased with the increase of Drainage Congestion in Beel Kuralia and Its
the water depth and increased with the increase of Mitigation Approach' was under taken in July 1999
the length and depth of embankment breaches. The with the objectives to identify the causes of
area of scour formed in the c/s floodplain due drainage congestion in Beel Kuralia and to assess
increased with the increase of length of breach and its positive and negative impacts on agriculture,
decreased with the increase of depth of breach in fisheries, hydrology, health and socio-economical
the embankment. The volume and maximum depth conditions and to recommend mitigation measures
of scour formed in the c/s floodplain increased for the negative impacts caused due to drainage
with the increase of length and depth of congestion in Beel Kuralia. For the study
embankment breaches. A line joining the mid point questionnaires were formulated and interviews
of the embankment breach at X=100 cm and the were held with four hundred people including 200
location of maximum scour depth in the c/s farmers, 100 fishermen "and 100 persons of
floodplain formed an angle of scour α with the d/s different occupations. Impact assessment was
portion of the failure embankment due to the effect made based on the methodology, Environmental
of different length and depth of embankment Evaluation System (EES) developed by Battelle
breaches. The α decreased with the increase of Columbus Laboratories in the United States. The
length and depth of embankment breaches. To negative impacts as identified in the agricultural
mitigate any disaster caused due to embankment sector were decrease in agricultural lands, change
failure every embankment in Bangladesh is in cropping areas for different harvests, reduction
recommended to be constructed following proper