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in comparison to other two models -Tank and Tokushima 7708506 Japan). Effects of Sand Bar
NAM. on Sediment Distribution in an Alluvial River.
IWFM Res. Bull., 2004, 5, 36-40.
325 ISLAM, G.M.T. (Institute of Water and In this paper the distribution of sediments to the
Flood Management, BUET, Dhaka). branch channels formed by the sand bar has been
UNSTEADY FLOW FIELDS OVER studied. The water discharge has been measured
FLOODPLAINS IN A MEANDERING and sediment discharge has been estimated in the
COMPOUND CHANNEL. IWFM Res. Bull., main channel as well as in the branch channels.
2003, 4, 33-49. The sediment transport ratio of the downstream
branches of a sand bar has been compared with the
nodal point relation developed in the laboratory
Natural rivers are predominantly meandering. The condition.
cross-section of a natural river is usually composed
of a deep main channel and adjacent floodplains.
Even in case of a single section river, it is a 327 ISLAM, M.Z. (Institute of Water and
common practice to build embankments on both Flood Management (IWFM),Bangladesh
sides of the channel for the purpose of flood University of Engineering and Technology
control, navigation and environmental (BUET) Dhaka). GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION
conservation. This results in a meandering OF SEDIMENT MATERIALS DEPOSITED
compound channel. This study explores the OVER THE FLOODPLAIN DUE TO
structures of unsteady flow over the floodplains. It EMBANKMENT FAILURE. IWFM Res. Bull.,
is found that the unsteadiness parameter in the 2001-2002, 3, 91-107.
rivers region varies from 15 to 20 whereas that in
the Jamuna river 80. The transverse distribution of Experimental runs 1-18 were conducted in a
the primary velocity shows that the lateral profile distorted model of the Institute of Water and Flood
changes as the depth of water over the floodplain Management (IWFM), Bangladesh University of
changes. Horizontal eddies are seen to occur Engineering and Technology(BUET) during 1998-
around a region in between the bend apex of the 2000 to observe the grain size distribution of
outer bank of the main channel and the side wall of sediment materials deposited over the floodplain
the outer levee. The primary velocity contours due to: (i) embankment breach; (ii) embankment
have been discussed only for the peak flow in piping; (iii) embankment overtopping; (iv)
unsteady flow condition and compared with that of overland flow (without any embankment in-
steady flow and it has found that there is no between the river channel and the floodplain; and
appreciable difference between the two cases as far (v) variable (higher & lower) discharges/velocities
as the flow structures are concerned. The stream- into the floodplain through the embankment
wise distribution of longitudinal velocity suggests breach. The model was made of reinforced cement
that the flow structures between rising and falling concrete including a floodplain and a river channel
stage are different at different sections. The with the length of 300 cm and widths of 90 cm and
exchange of flow between main channel and 22.5 cm respectively and an embankment made of
floodplain drives secondary flow cells in the main wooden plate installed in-between the floodplain
channel as well as in the floodplain. The evolution and the river channel. The breach, piping,
and decay process of the secondary currents in the overtopping etc, were made in the embankment as
floodplain has been explored. per requirement. The river channel and the
floodplain were constructed on the basis of vertical
326 ISLAM, G.M.T.; RAHMAN, M.M.; and horizontal scale ratios of 100 and 1000
respectively. Each model run was carried out for
HUSSAIN, M.A.; HAQUE, M.A.; HOQUE, 30 minutes. Before starting each model run, a
M.M. (Institute of Water and Flood Management, constant quantity of sediments of approximately 20
BUET, Dhaka); HINOKIDANI, O. (Dept. of kg was mixed with water in the u/s basin. In
Civil Engineering, Tottori University, Tottori 680- addition, a constant quantity of sediments of 1000
8552, Japan) & TAKEBAYSHI, H.(Dept. of gm was added manually at the upper end of the
Civil Engineeing, The University of Tokushima,