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WEEK -A CASE REPORT. Bang. Med. J., 2007, Obstetrics, Sadar Hospital, Barisal); Das, S.
36 (1), 26-27. Neurosurgery (Dept., Sher-e-Bangla Medical
College Hospital, Barisal). SONOGRAPHIC
Second trimester tubal pregnancy is infrequent EVALUATION OF AMNIOTIC BAND
diagnosis as these pregnancies often present with LEADING TO AGENESIS OF CRANIAL
symptoms during first trimester.
A 30 years old female (gravida 4. para-3) a house A CASE REPORT. Bang.Med. J., 2007, 36
wife of lower socio-economic status admitted in (1), 24-25.
BSMMU on 04.01.06 with amenorrhoea for 4
months, features of shock, abdominal distension, Amniotic bands are the fibrous strands of amnion
and slight per-vaginal bleeding. On bimunaal that develop in utero which may entangle foetal
examination all vaginal fomices were full and parts to cause amputations or malformations of the
tender. Emergency laparotomy was done. Pre- Hoetus.Various congenital malformation
operative findings were abdominal cavity was syndromes are supposed to be caused by
filled with blood clot and fresh blood. Right-sided compression of the foetus by 'amniotic bands"
ampullary region of fallopian tube was ruptured which results in developmental abnormalities or
abouty a sixteen weeks gestational size foetus, foetal death. Although the extremities are most
placenta with cord found in abdominal cavity commonly involved, about a third of affected
floating in blood left fallopian tube ovaries and children have craniofacial anomalies including
uterus were normal. facial clefting, asymmetric encephaloceles,
Right-sided solpingeetomy and left sided tubal anencephaly, holoprocencephaly, and
legation was done and abdomen was closed after hydrocephalus. A pregnant woman was referred
proper hemostats. for the evaluation of pregnancy and on
ultrasonogram a post mature live foetus was found
310 ANAM, R.L. (School of Business, with cephalic presentation & almost adequate
University of Liberal Arts, House-56, Road-4/A, liquor. The foetal head was relatively smaller and
Dhanmondi, Dhaka). INADEQUACIES AND almost globular in shape with disorganized brain
VARIATIONS OF MATERNITY LEAVE matter. Cranial bones were absent and only a thin
POLICIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD: membrane was detected covering the brain matter.
SPECIAL FOCUS ON BANGLADESH. BRAC There were multiple amniotic bands around the
Univ. J., 2008, V (1), 91-96. feotal head and neck. No other congenital
anomalies could be detected in the ultrasonogram.
There has been a dramatic increase in the Plain X-Ray abdomen showed absence of cranial
representation of women in the workforce in bones and her alpha fetoprotein level was within
Bangladesh and throughout the world. However, normal range. Ultimately the foetus was delivered
women face major hurdles in most parts of the world pervaginally and only meninges were found
in their advancement in organizations as maternity covering the brain matter, no other craniofacial or
leave and other benefits such as on site creche or limb abnormality was revealed. The foetus diad 24
flextime are still not provided as per requirements. hrs after delivery.
Thus women are falling behind in their careers
throughout the world. There arc also wide disparities 312 HABIB, S.A.J. ( Dept. of Obs & Gyn.,
in the benefits women get legally in different parts of Dhaka Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka).
the world. This review paper seeks to collect the A FIVE YEARS CLINICAL EXPERIENCE -
answers to many questions about maternity leave IN THE MANAGEMENT OF GESTATIONAL
heretofore largely un-addressed. TROPHOBLASTIC TUMOUR. Bang. Med. J.,
2007, 36 (1), 16-19.
311 BISWAS, S.K. (Center for Nuclear An analysis of a 5-Years clinical experience in the
Medicine & Ultrasound, Barisal); management of gestational trophoblastic tumours
in a tertiary care hospital.