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suggest that hyperhomocysteinemia is a causal
             A  total  of 50 cases were managed and a detailed    factor of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. This  study
             analysis of these patients was  done.  Of  these  ,21   designed  to  explore the association between
             followed  hydatidiform mole, 18 after abortion  &    hyperhomocysteincmia     and     pre-eclampsia
             11 after a term pregnancy.                           /eclampsia, the knowledge of which expected to be
                                                                  used  for  prevention of pre-eclampsia and
             Out  of  50 cases of gestational trophoblastic       eclampsia. In a case-control study serum
             tumour, 64% (32 cases) were between 21 and 40        homocysteine was measured in  136  controls
             years  of  age. Eighty six percent (43) presented    (healthy pregnant), 84 pre-eclamptic and  120
             with  per  vaginal bleeding while life threatening   eclamptic  pregnant women. Serum homocysteine
             bleeding was occurred in 20% ( 10 cases). Forty      in  patients  with pre-eclampsia (9.54 ± 3.21µ
             two percent (21 cases) of patients had hydatidiform   mol/L) and eclampsia (10.57  ±  3.39  /µmol/L)
             mole  and  antecedent  pg and 36% ( 18 cases)        found to be significantly increased  compared  to
             presented within four months of  antecedent  pg.     controls (6.86 ± 2.47 µmol/L)(p<0.001). Between pre-
             Blood group 'B'  &  'O' were the most frequently     eclampsia  and eclampsia, homocysteine found to be
             encocetled ie 60% (30)  and  30%  (15  cases).       raised more in eclampsia compared to pre-eclampsia
             Metastasis was present in 8 (16%) cases of which     (p<0.03). In conclusion, hyperhomocysteinemia is
             one in medium risk & 7 was in high risk group, site   associated with pre-eclampsia as  well  as
             of metastasis was lung and vagina. Serum BHCG        eclampsia,  but  in eclampsia the severity of
             of 40,000 min/ml and above was present in  26        homocysteine elevation is more compared  to  that
             (52%) cases. Prior chemotherapy was given in  3      in pre-eclampsia.
             patients  but  they  died due to resistance and
             complication.  Chemotherapy was given to all         314 QUDDUS,  S.R.  (Sonolab, Center for
             patients and survival was 100% in low risk group     Diagnostic  Uttrasound,  150,   Green   Road,
             and 75% (15 cases) in high risk group. Over  all     Panthapath Crossing, Dhaka).  FETAL HEAD
             mortality was 10% ( 5 cases). Major side effects of   CIRCUMFERENCE IN  BANGLADESH
             chemotherapy were stomatities.  alopecia,  low       AND ITS CORRELATION WITH THE
             hemoglobin & recurrent infection.                    WEST. Bang. Med. J.,  2006, 35 (2), 54-56.

             Late diagnosis, high WHO progastic score & failed
             chcmotherapy  are the major risk factors affecting   Management of fetal head circumference gives a
                                                                  more accurate assessment of fetal growth  than
             the outcome. So every patient in reproductive age
             group  with  unexplained per vaginal bleeding        measurement  of Biparietal diameter, as it is
             should be investigated with serum BHCG.              independent of head shape. The aim of this study
                                                                  was to prepare a growth table  of  fetal  head
                                                                  circumference and to correlate it with a western
             313  HOQUE, M.M.; BULBUL, T. (Dept.of                study. This is a cross sectional,  prospective
             Biochemistry,   Bangabandhu    Sheikh   Mujib        study.  The  study  population consisted of 672
             Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka); MAHAL,          healthy  gravid women with accurate menstrual
             M.  (Dept. of Biochemisty, Dhaka.  Medical           dates  from  14  to 40 weeks menstrual age. The
             college, Dhaka,); ISLAM, N.  (Dept. of               mean head circumference with  2  standard
             Biochemistry, North East Medical College,            deviations (2SD) for each week was determined.
             Sylhet) & FERDAUSI, M. (Dept. of Obstetrics          At 14 weeks the HC was found to be 98 mm ±
             and  Gynecology, Rajshahi  Medical  College,         10mm (2SD), at 20 weeks  it  was  172mm
             Rajshahi).  Serum homocysteine in pre-               ±15mm, at 30 weeks it was 276mm ± 22mm, at
             eclampsia and eclampsia.  Bang. Med.  Res.           35 weeks it was 313mm ± 24mm, and at 40
             Counc. Bull.,  2008, 34 (1,) 16-20.                  weeks it was 333mm ± 26mm. Whereas  in  one
                                                                  of the Hadlock et al's studies performed in 1983,
             Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are common               at 14 weeks HC was 98 mm, and at 40 weeks it
             obstetrical  problem  causing adverse effects on     was 345 mm. There is a discrepancy of 12 mm
             pregnancy outcome. Large bodies  of  evidences       at  term between these two studies. Therefore it

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