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will be more appropriate to use a study              INTEGERS.  J. Bang. Acad. Sci.,  2006,  30 (1),
             conducted on our local population for reference      127-131.
             in our country, rather than a study derived from
             a quite different population, whose stature is not   A method is developed to solve a major problem of
             like ours.                                           some security schemes. The  technique is to solve
                                                                  the problem is named multiplication and division-
             315 QUDDUS  S.R.  (SONOLAB, Center for               division method. The problem (complexity) is to
             Dignostic Ulrasound,150, Green Road, Panthapath
                                                                                                                                       n                                 n
             Crossing,  Dhaka).  GESTATIONAL AGE
             ESTIMATION          FROM       FETALHEAD              compute the  products, Q = ∏  qi and Qi= ∏qi
             CIRCUMFERENCE IN BANGLADESH.                                                                                           i=1                              i=1
             Bang. Med. J., 2007, 36 (1), 12-15.                  for  i=1,2,  …,  n. Here they reviewed the best
                                                                  technique  (multiplication division  technique) that
             Fetal  head circumference is one of the most         has been ever published. After that    the
             reliable  parameters for determining gestational     Multiplication  and division-division method is
             age. But due to absence of their own table, we they   discussed.  They  implement    two   methods
             unable  to accurately estimate the gestational age.   multiplication-division  and multiplication and
             Therefore a nomogram of Bangladeshi population       division-division) to compute the  products.  From
             is prepared.                                         the  experimental   results  they  find   that
                                                                  multiplication and division-division method  is
             A prospective, cross-sectional nomogram  was  con-   better than multiplication -division method.
             structed from 916 well dated, singleten  fetuses  by
             using  Polynomial   (cubic)  regression  models.     317 KABIR,  M.H.  (Dept. of Computer
             Previously established monograms of  Caucasian       Science and Telecommunication Engineering,
             population were compared with it.                    Noakhali Science and Technology  University,
                                                                  Noakhali).  A  Fast Procedure for Transmission
             Percentiles, means and standard deviations (SD) were   Loss Allocation of  Power Systems by Using Dc-
             derived. Fetal charts of the raw data  with          OPF. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res.,  2007,  42 (3), 249-
             superimposed  fitted curves were constructed. It     256.
             showed  a good fit to the data. There was a gradual
             increase of the HC measurements of 10 , 50  and 90    Deregulation of power industry has made us think
             centiles up to 37  week with a gradual increase of SD   over  the transmission loss allocation to network
             showing increasing dispersion of data. Between 13 to   users and to  various  interconnected  transactions
             26 weeks gestation, there was no clinically important   including bilateral one. It is an important issue to
             difference between this nomogram and these prepared   be solved exactly. Because of the non-linear nature
             on Caucasian population in terms  of  predicted      of power flow and power loss, it is very difficult to
             gestational age. Clinically significant difference in   segregate and to allocate losses among  the
             predicting gestational age appeared after especially   participants properly. This paper presents an
             after 32 weeks onwards, by 2 to 3  weeks.  These     instantaneous loss allocation algorithm including
             findings  suggest  that  this chart is unique for    DC-Optimal Power Flow. Using Incremental
             Bangladeshi  population and can be especially useful   Transmission Loss (ITLs) factors  and  the  power
             for accurate dating of pregnancies in the 3  trimester.   outputs  of  generators, they have calculated
                                                                  preliminary loss to each generator. Calculating loss
             620 : ENGINEERING                                    allocation  rates from the preliminary losses, the
                                                                  final  loss  allocation has been done (according to
                                                                  loss allocation rate) to meet the total  loss
             316 ISLAM,  M.R.  (Computer Science &                calculated by DC-OPF. The effectiveness of this
             Engineering   Discipline,  Khulna   University,      procedure  has  been  studied for a small model
             Khulna).   A    METHOD       FOR     FINDING         power system and also for  the  IEEE-118-bus
             PRODUCTS  OF A LARGE NUMBER OF                       system.

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