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river channel every after five minutes to keep the   portions of the main parts of the sediment
             sediment concentration constant. The sediment        depositions  with  an  exception only in case of
             samples were collected longitudinally and laterally   embankment overtopping. In this  case  no  coarse
             from the main pad of the sediment deposition with    sand (2.0-0.6 mm) and even no higher  medium
             a circular area of 10 cm diameter surrounding each   sand  (0.6-0.4  mm) were observed to have been
             of the coordinates (X, Y) of the floodplain of the   deposited  over  the floodplain as these coarser
             model.  In total, 1138 sediment samples were         sands were at the lower depth of water flow in the
             collected and analyzed in the laboratory to have the   river channel due to their heavy weight, hence they
             grain size distribution curves for each of the       could not overtop the embankment and settle over
             coordinates (X, Y) from where average d 5() values   the floodplain during experimental runs. In case of
             were  determined.  Finally, six soil (grain size     overland flow higher medium sand (0.6-0.4 mm)
             distribution)  contour  maps were drawn based on     and  lower  medium sand (0.4-0.2 mm) were
             the average d 50  values. Results of the model runs   observed to have been deposited respectively at the
             were  compared  with  those obtained from the d 50   upstream and downstream of the main part of the
             values of the grain size distribution curves of the   sediment deposition. In case of embankment
             sediment materials deposited over the floodplain of   breach, piping, overland flow and variable (higher
             the Dakkhin Patiata Beel due to the actual failure   & lower) discharges the higher medium sand (0.6-
             of the Chalan Beel Embankment during the             0.4 mm) and the lower medium sand (0.4-0.2 mm)
             devastating flood of 1998.                           occupied the maximum area of the main part of the
                                                                  sediment deposition over the floodplain with  an
             The  results of the analyses showed that the         exception in case of embankment overtopping. In
             sediment  deposition over the floodplain could be    this case fine sand (0.2-0.06 mm)  occupied  the
             divided into two parts: main part and tail part. The   maximum  area of the main part of the sediment
             sediment deposition was the maximum in the main      deposition.
             part and minimum in the tail part. The most of the
             silts and clay particles of the sediment materials   328  ISLAM, M.Z. & DATTA, A.R.
             were  observed  to  have been deposited at the tail   (Institute of Water and Flood Management, BUET,
             parts of the sediment depositions. The soil (grain   Dhaka).   AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON
             size distribution) contour maps of the  sediment     FORMATION       OF     SCOURS      IN    THE
             materials deposited over the floodplain due  to      COUNTRYSIDE       FLOODPLAIN       DUE    TO
             embankment     breach,  piping  and    variable      EMBANKMENT FAILURE.  IWFM Res. Bull.,
             discharges could be divided into four grain  size    2003, 4, 1-12.
             distribution zones corresponding to the grain size
             (d 50) values of 2.0-0.6 mm, 0.6-0.4 mm,  0.4-0.2    Experimental runs 1-16 were conducted  in  a
             mm and 0.2-0.06 mm considered for coarse sand,       distorted model of the Institute of Water and Flood
             higher medium sand, lower medium sand and fine       Management (IWFM), Bangladesh University  of
             sand respectively. But in  case  of  embankment      Engineering and Technology (BUET) during 2001-
             overtopping the same could be divided into  two      2002 with the objective to observe the formation of
             grain size distribution zones corresponding to the   scours in the countryside (c/s) floodplain  due  to
             grain size (d 50) values of 0.4-0.2 mm and 0.2-0.06   different lengths (L b) and depths  (d b) of
             mm representing lower medium sand and fine sand      embankment breaches. Each group of experimental
             respectively.  In case of overland flow the same     runs 1-4. 5-8, 9-12 and 13-16 was conducted with
             could be divided into three grain size distribution   different L b of 5 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm and 30 cm for
             zones corresponding to the grain size (d 50) values   particular d b of respectively 2 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm and
             of  0.6-0.4  mm,  0.4-0.2 mm and 0.2-0.06 mm         6 cm of embankment breaches. Each group of
             representing higher medium sand, lower medium        experimental runs 1,5, 9 & 13; 2, 6, 10 & 14, 3, 7,
             sand and fine sand respectively. In  case  of        11& 15 and 4, 8, 12 & 16 was also conducted with
             embankment     breach,  piping  and    variable      different d b of 2 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm and 6  cm  for
             discharges respectively coarse  sand (2.0-0.6 mm)    particular L b of respectively 5 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm
             and higher medium sand (0.6-0.4  mm)  were           and 30 cm of embankment breaches. Each model
             observed to have been deposited at the downstream

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