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Certain complex compounds were synthesized by physico-chemical characteristics of the oil were
the interaction of Mg(II), Ca(II) and Fe(III) determined by the conventional methods and the
halides with the solvent extracting reagent, fatty acid compositions by GLC. From the results
Cyanex-272 i.e. bis (2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) it is evident that the oil can be used suitably in
phosphinic acid as ligand. All the prepared paint and varnishes on account of its high linoleic
complexes have been characterized on the basis acid content (75 %) and higher iodine value (148).
of their molar masses, conductivity, magnetic The oleoresinous wood varnishes was prepared by
measurements and infrared and electronic utilizing safflower seed oil in an open stainless
spectral studies. The other physico-chemical steel beaker by heating the oil with rosin and
properties e.g. colour, decomposition temperature glycerol. The cooking temperature was maintained
have also been ascertained. at 300° C for 1/2 an hour. Zinc oxide and lead
oxide were used as mould growth inhibitor and
616 KARIM, M.Z.; ISMAIL, M.; ISLAM, catalyst respectively. The varnish thus prepared
S.T.A.; SAHA, D. & SAHA, M. (Dept. of was found to be water resistant and can be applied
Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology, on wood surface as lack free coating.
Dhaka University, Dhaka). Alkylation of m-Cresol
with Cyclopentene in the Presence of p- 618 RAHMAN, M.S.; HASAN, A.J.M.M.
Toluenesulphonic Acid. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., (BCSIR Laboratories, Rajshahi); ALI, M.Y. &
2007, 42(4), 499-502. ALI, M.U. (Dept. of Chemistry, Rajshahi
University, Rajshahi). Studies on the Lipid and
m-Cresol has been cycloalkylated with Glyceride Compositions of Cassia alata Seed Oil.
cyclopentene in the presence of p-toluenesul- Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41(1 & 2), 83-88.
phonic acid as catalyst. The effects of the variation
of temperature, molar ratio of m-cresol to The oil composition of Cassia alata seed collected
cyclopentene, time of reaction and amount of from three different districts of Bangladesh was
catalyst have been investigated on the reaction and investigated. All the seed samples contain about
cyclopentyl m-cresol has been obtained in high 3.2 % oil. The triglyceride component of the oil
yield. varied from 91.5 to 92.0 % diglyceride from 3.4 to
3.9 % and monoglyceride from 1.5 to 2.1 %. The
617 RAFIQUZZAMAN, M.; RAHMAN, lipid components were almost the same in all the
M.S.; HOSSAIN, M.A. & HASAN, A.J.M. samples, the neutral lipid accounted for over 93 %
(BCSIR Laboratories, Rajshahi). Studies on the of the total lipids present. The analysis of the fatty
preparation of oleo-resinous wood varnishes by acid composition showed 25.6 % oleic acid. 45.5
utilizing safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) seed oil. % lmoleic acid, 18.7 % palmitic acid, 3.5 % stearic
Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41(1 & 2), 77-82. acid, 3.4 % arachidic acid and 3.2 % behenic acid.
Studies were carried out on the preparation of oleo- 619 SAHA, M.; DEY, H.C.; KARIM, M.Z.;
resinous wood varnishes by utilizing safflower ISMAIL, M. & SAHA, D. (Dept. of Applied
(Carthamus tinctorius) seed oil. It was observed Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Dhaka
that safflower seed grown under the soil-texture University, Dhaka). Alkylation of Xylenes
and climatic condition of Bangladesh, contains with Cyclohexene in the Presence of p-
about 32 % golden yellow coloured drying oil. The