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Toluenesulphonic Acid.  Bang.  J. Sci. Ind. Res,.    region might mediate cooperativity  between  the
             2007, 42(4), 489-494.                                central active site of the enzyme through  proper
                                                                  formation of knot.
             Isomeric  xylenes have been cycloalkylated with
             cyclohexene in the presence of p-toluenesulphonic    621  RAHMAN, M.A.; ASADULLAH,  M.;
             acid  as  catalyst.  The effects of the variation of   RAHMAN, M.S.; NABI, M.N. &  AZAD,
             temperature, molar ratio of xylene to cyclohexene,   M.A.K.  (Dept. of Applied Chemistry and
             time of reaction and amount of p-toluenesulphonic    Chemical   Technology,   Rajshahi  University,
             acid  on  the reactions have been studied and        Rajshahi).  Extraction of Gasohol Grade Ethanol
             cyclohexyl xylenes have been obtained in high        from Aqueous Solution using Gasoline as Solvent.
             yield.                                               Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42(3), 287-298.

             661 :  CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY:                          Liquid-liquid phase equilibria of ethanol - water -
                        CHEMICALS                                 gasoline ('iso-octane', 'octane' 'petrol', 'kerosene'
                                                                  and  'diesel') were experimentally determined and
                                                                  the  ternary phase diagrams of the systems were
             620 ALAM, M.T. (Dept. of Applied Chemistry           studied with an end in view to develop methods of
             and  Chemical Technology, Rajshahi University,       producing 'gasohol' by a  once  through  operation.
             Rajshahi). Importance of  C-Terminal  Knot
                                                                  Binodal  curves of the different systems were,
             Structure in Carbonic Anhydrase Ii (Part I) : Role   therefore, obtained to give quantitative ideas about
             of C-Terminal Knot Forming  Gln  253  on             the extent of extraction of alcohol from  aqueous
             Enzymatic Property of Human Carbonic Ii. J. Bio-     solution using gasoline. Phase equilibrium data,
             Sci., 2006, 14, 1-9.                                 distribution coefficient and separation factor were
                                                                  obtained experimentally for ethanol-water-gasoline
             In both, bovine and human carbonic anhydrase II, a   systems. The order of the heterogeneous region of
             conserved glutamine residue occupies the position    the solvents is iso-octane .'octane' .'petrol'  <
             in the middle of the knot, which is formed  by       'kerosene' < 'diesel'. The equilibriation and settling
             intercrossing of C-terminal end with N-terminal      time for ethanol - water - solvent systems are about
             region.  Previous  studies have indicated that C-    10  and  20  min, respectively. The solubility of
             terminus  is  not  the  part of an active site, but
                                                                  ethanol in the solvents is in the order of iso-octane
             truncation of 7 amino acid residue in this  region   .'octane'  . 'petrol' > 'kerosene' > 'diesel'. The
             can have marked effects on stability of the enzyme   distribution  coefficient increases with increasing
             (data not published). To gain further insight into   ethanol concentration in the feed; however, to the
             the role of specific amino  acid  residue  in  C-    contrary the separation factor  decreases.  The
             terminal region, site directed mutagenesis was used   distribution co-efficients are lower than 1 and the
             to introduce point mutation.  Substitution  of
                                                                  separation factors are greater than 10 for all of the
             glutamine with cysteine  was chosen because the      solvents.
             cysteine residue is less hydrophilic as  compared
             with glutamine and thus, may disrupt the             622 SALEH-E-IN,  M.M.  (Dept. of Chemistry,
             hydrophilic environment in this region. Result       Govt.  Bangla College, Dhaka) & ROY, S.K.
             indicates that Gln253 located within  the  C-        (Chemical     Research    Division,    BCSIR
             terminus knot topology plays a significant role in   Laboratories, Dhaka). Studies on Fatty Acid
             normal function of the  enzyme.  Thus,  C-terminal

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