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632 CHOWDHURY, J.U.; NANDI, N.C. Ammonio Methacrylate Copolymer Type B
& YUSUF, M. (BCSIR Laboratories, (Eudragit RS 30 D) on the release kinetics
Chittagong). Chemical Constituents of study of diclofenac sodium form coated
Essential Oil of the Leaves of Eryngium pellets. Eudragit RS 30 D and Eudragit RL 30
Foetidum from Bangladesh. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. D were added into the formulation at 5:1 ratio.
Res., 2007, 42(3), 347-352. Different percent of this polymeric
combination was loaded on to the drug-loaded
The essential oil of leaves of Eryngium pellets. Loss on drying value as well as bulk
foetidum from Bangladesh was analyzed by density of coated pellets increase along with
GC-MS. Sixty three compounds have been the increase in polymer level. It was found that
identified with (E)-2-dodecenal (37.4 %), the cumulative percent release of drug
dodecanoic acid (10.7 %), trans-2-dodecanoic decreased with the increase of polymer load in
acid (9.7 %), (E)-2-tridecenal (6.7 %), all cases. From all formulations it was
duraldehyde (5.1 %) and tetradecanal (4.4 %) observed that the release of diclofenac sodium
as the major constituents. in 0.1N HC1 media was very low (maximum
2.87 %) at first 2 hours. Better sustaining
633 CHOWDHURY, J.U. & YUSUF, M. effect was found from Eudragit RS 30 D and
(BCSIR Laboratories, Chittagong). Aromatic Eudragit RL 30 D combinations. Drug was
plants of Bangladesh: Constituents of essential released linearly along with time throughout
oil from leaves and rhizomes of Alpinia nigra. the whole dissolution process in phosphate
Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19(2), 97-101. buffer (p 6.8) and it was also revealed that, in
all cases the release of diclofenac sodium
Essential oil from leaves and rhizomes of followed zero order kinetics.
Alpinia nigra were analyzed by GC-MS. 49
compounds from leaf oil have been identified 635 ALAM, M.M.; JUBAYER, M.M.U. &
of which the major are α-caryophyllene KAYSAR, M.A. (Dyeing Division, Lathe
(24.9%), α-pinene (12.9%), β-pinene (12.2%), Group, Dhaka). Development of Mechanical
methylisoeugenol (6.1%), caryophyllene Device for the Addition of Dyes and
(11%), α-selinene (6.5%), β-selinene (6.5%) Auxiliaries in Textile Wet Processing. Bang. J.
and α-panasinsen (6.4%). 57 compounds Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42(3), 357-360.
identified from rhizome oil containing
epimanool (24.5%), β-pinene (7.3%), 4- In the exhaust dyeing of knit woven,
terpineol (5.3%), caryophyllene oxide (4.2%), jute/cotton fabrics a progressive addition
α-cadinol (7.7%), γ-selinene (4.2%) and process is developed and found most effective
juniper camphor (4.4%) as major constituents. method in respect of cost and quality. It was
done by an electronic device. In this paper we
have developed it mechanically. It thought that
670 : MANUFACTURES : it may be suitable for Bangladesh export
TEXTILES oriented knit woven and blended fabrics
dyeing units for its very low price.
R.U.I. (Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology, 636 ALAM, M.M.; RAHMAN, M.L. &
Dhaka University, Dhaka). Effect of Acrylic HAQUE, M.Z. (BCSIR Laboratories,
Polymers on the Physical Parameters and in Rajshahi). Extraction of Henna Leaf Dye and
vitro Release Kinetics of Diclofenac Sodium its Dyeing Effects on Textile Fibre. Bang. J.
Sustained Release Pellets. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42(2), 217-222.
Res., 2007, 42(3), 239-248.
Henna plant leaves (Lawsonia inermis)
The aim of the present study is to investigate contains dye along with other ingredients. The
the effect of Ammonio Methacrylate dye component was extracted and applied on
Copolymer Type A (Eudragit RL 30 D) and silk fibre in order to investigate the dyeing