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628 UDDIN, M.M.; RAHMAN, M.S.; spathulenol (5.57%), β-pinene (4.71%), δ-
AHMED, G.M.; HOSSAIN, M.A. & SAMAD, cadimene (4.19%) and α-longipinene (4.06%),
A. (BCSIR Laboratories, Rajshahi). Variation in while the dried fruits contain caryophyllene
Lipid Content and Glyceride Compositions of Four (26.13%), Z-ocimene (18.61%), limonene
Different Varieties of Corn (Zea mays L.) Oil. (15.15%), β-pinene (8.08%), α-selinene (5.19%),
Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res, 2007, 42(2), 223-228. α-pinene (4.65%), α-caryophyllene (3.18%) and β-
myreene (3.01%).
Oil extracted from four different varieties of corn
(Zea mays) were evaluated in terms of lipid, 630 CHOWDHURY, J.U.; NANDI, N.C.;
glyceride and fatty acid compositions. The total UDDIN, M. (BCSIR Laboratories, Chittagong) &
lipid extracts were fractionated into lipid classes by RAHMAN, M. (IGCRD, BCSIR, Dhaka).
silicic acid chromatography. The neutral lipids Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils from Two
were found to be 96.80 - 97.50 %; glycolipid 1.50- Types of Spearmint (Mentha spicata L. and M.
1.66 %; phospholipid 0.80-0.95 % respectively. cardiaca L.) Introduced in Bangladesh. Bang. J.
The fatty acid composition of triglyceride (TG) Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42(1), 79-82.
fraction was analysed by gas liquid
chromatography (GLC). The percentage Mentha spicata and M. cardiaca introduced in
composition of fatty acid were found to be linoleic Bangladesh were studied for their essential oil
acid 35.62 to 49.5 %, palmitic acid 8.7 to 9.9 %, content and compositions of the oil. The essential
stearic acid 1.9 to 2.3 %, myristic acid 0.9 to 1.6 % oil from M. spicata contains carvone (73.29 %), d-
and linolenic acid 0 to 2.2 %. limonene (7.59 %) and dihydrocarvone (3.83 %) as
major constituents out of the 21 components. The
668.5 : CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY : essential oil from M. cardiaca contains carvone
ESSENTIAL OILS (60.9 %) and limonene (21.58 %) as major
constituents out of the 35 components.
YUSUF, M. (BCSIR Laboratories, Chittagong). UDDIN, M.; RAHMAN, M. & HOSAIN, M.E.
Chemical composition of leaf and fruit essential oil (BCSIR Laboratories, Chittagong). Growth, Yield,
of Piper nigrum L. from Bangladesh. Bang. J. Life Oil Content and Composition of Cymbopogon
Sci., 2007, 19(2), 109-114. jwarencusa in Bangladesh. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res.,
2006, 41(1 & 2), 97-100.
The chemical composition of the essential oil
obtained from the leaves and dried fruits of black Cymbopogon jwarencusa, an aromatic grass
pepper ( Piper nigrum L.) from Bangladesh was recently introduced in Bangladesh was studied for
its growth, yield, oil content and composition of
examined by GCMS. About 46 & 28 compounds the oil. The herbage yield and oil content were
have been identified in the leaves and fruits oils of highest in 2nd and 1st cutting respectively. Among
this species, accounting for more than 09.04% and the thirty three compounds identified by GC- MS,
100% of the oils, respectively. The major piperitone (85 %) was the single major compound
components of leaves oils were terpinolene in the oil. Among others, eucalyptol (2.2 %),
(17.17%), γ-elemene (13.50%), δ-cadinol (8.61%), camphene (2 %> and β-elemene (1.4 %) are
α-chamigrene (6.05%), α-cubebene (5.87%),