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Composition and Proximate Analyses of Anethum (61-66 % & 22-27 %, n=2) and low linoleic- high
Sowa L. (Dill) Seed. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res, 2007, oleic (29-38 % and 53-63 %, n = 3) were found.
42(4), 455-464. Sunflower oil with the highest percentage of mono
and polyunsaturated fatty acids especially the high
Anethum sowa L. (Dill) seeds were investigated to linoleic-low oleic variety appeared to be superior
determine the fatty acid composition and and most suitable edible oil for mass consumption.
proximate analyses. The seeds contain 9.36 % fatty
oil. The saturated and unsaturated fatty acids 624 ISLAM, D.; MUSTAFA, M.G.; ISLAM,
contributed 6.22% and 93.78% respectively of the M.M. (Dept. of Fisheries, Dhaka University,
oil. The per cent composition of the extracted oil Dhaka); WAHED, M.A.; KHALEQUE, M.A.
was identified by Gas Liquid Chromatography (Institute of Food Science & Technology, BCSIR,
(GLC). Among the six fatty acid's identified from Dhaka) & NASER, M.N. (Dept. of Zoology,
this study oleic acid contributed the highest Dhaka University, Dhaka). Comparative
proportion (87.10%), where as, linolenic, palmitic, Assessment of Traditional Sun Dried and Solar
stearic, behenic and arachidic all together Tunnel Dried Pomfret (Pampus Argenteus) Under
contributed the rest (12.90%). Proximate analyses Different Storage Conditions. Bang. J. Zool., 2007,
showed that A. sowa. seeds are good source of 35(2), 331-340.
dietary fibre. Overall Dill seeds oil can be In search of an improved quality dried fish, three
considered as a good source of oleic acid. experiments were carried out during March-
September 2005 by using a solar tunnel dryer. The
664 : CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY : sample fish Pampas argenteus (pomfret) was
FOOD PRESERVATION preprocessed and dried in the tunnel dryer as well
as in the sun, and qualities were assessed. The
623 CHOWDHURY, K.; BANU, L.A.; quality assessment of the dried and dehydrated fish
KHAN, S. & LATIF, A. (Institute of Food while stored in earthen pot and plastic pot
Science and Technology, BCSIR, Dhaka). Studies (perforated and non-perforated) at room
on the Fatty Acid Composition of Edible Oil. temperature was done by both physical and
Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42(3), 311-316. chemical methods. The solar radiation, air velocity,
relative humidity and temperature inside the dryer
Fatty acid analysis of the five types of locally varied between 350 and 850 W/m , between 0.24
consumed edible oils (n=22) was carried out using and 0.60 m/sec., between 38 and 54%, and
a Gas Chromatograph (GC) equipped with a Flame between 40 and 50°C, respectively. The solar
lonization Detector (FID) and stainless steel tunnel dryer took less drying period compare to
packed column. The results showed that sunflower sun drying. Moreover, inside the tunnel dryer, the
oil contained the highest percentage of long chain drying rate of the unsalted fish was quicker than
mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids (91.49 ± that of the salted fish. The proximate composition
1.91 %) compared to soybean oil (81.14 ± 1.49 %), showed better quality of dehydrated fish than that
mustard oil (86.80 ± 3.07 %), palm oil (53.30 ± of the dried and raw fish. In storage condition, the
0.36 %) and coconut oil (7.12 ± 0.51 %). Two dried and dehydrated fish got longer shelf life in
varieties of mustard oil, low erucic (= 5 %, n=3) earthen pot than those of the plastic pot. The study
and high erucic acid ( >14 %, n=2) and two on storage life indicates that the dried products
varieties of sunflower oil, high linoleic-low oleic produced by tunnel dryer could be stored for upto