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transferred to farmer's pond and were subjected to   survival rates (57.5-59.0%) in all  the  three
             observational  trial. Length and weight of each of   stocking densities (100, 150 and  200/m ) in
             the  test  mussels were recorded before hanging      earthen  mini ponds in on-station condition. In
             them at a depth of 40 cm in net bags (3 mussels/net   terms  of  gain in weight and length showed no
             bag) in ponds at the rate of 24,700 mussels/ha of    significant (p<0.05) differences in pond
             pond  area. Ponds were routinely fertilized with     conditions. Almost similar result was obtained in
             organic and inorganic fertilizers thorough  out  the   terms of growth and survival in  on-farm
             mussel rearing period. Water  temperature,  pH,      condition.
             plankton density .and soil organic matter  were
             monitored fortnightly. Growth of pearl is yet to be   608 TAFADER, M.K. (Dept. of Environmental
             monitored through sacrifice of the mussels but X-    Science, Linkoping University, Sweden); UDDIN,
             ray  photography  of  a few mussels indicated the    M.M.  (Institute of Marine Sciences &  Fisheries,
             initiation of pearl formation in most of them.       University of Chittagong); NESSA,  M.U.
                                                                  (Environmental  Science   Discipline,  Khulna
             607   SULTANA,      N.;    UDDIN,     K.M.A.;        University, Khulna) & MOSTAFA, M. (Fisheries
             AHASAN, C.T. & HUSSAIN, M.G. (Freshwater             & Marine Resource Technology  Discipline,
             Station,  Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute,   Khulna University, Khulna). Climate Change and
             Mymensingh). Nursery management system of            its Consequences on Marine  Ecosystem.  South
             stinging  catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis and       Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2(1 & 2), 101-106.
             walking  catfish, Clarias batrachus in Bangladesh.
             Bang. J. Fish. Res., 2005, 9(1), 35-36.              The globe, the only abode for human as well as all
                                                                  living beings are warming at a rate greater than at
             A total of four experiments were conducted  to       any  period that scientists are warning since last
             develop nursery management system for the two        century. According to the land water distribution,
             important native catfishes viz. stinging  catfish,   two third of the earth is covered by the water and
             Heteropneustes fossilis and walking catfish,         among  the  total water 97.5 percent belongs to
             Clarias batrachus during 2003  and  2004.  Two       marine  environment. This bulk volume of marine
             experiments  were conducted in on-station            water  bearing  complex physical, biological and
             condition to determine stocking density efficacy     chemical  characteristics  as well as diversified
             in hapa and in earthen mini ponds for H. fossilis.   organisms  structure make itself an important
             This was followed by on-farm trial on stocking       ecosystem in the earth. This valuable ecosystem is
             density in earthen mini ponds. In hapa,  the         now under threat due to climate change by natural
             highest survival rate was 60% for H. fosssilis at    and anthropogenic processes  mostly  human-
             stocking density of 100/  m ; followed by 54.5       induced activities. Oceans,  estuaries,  mangrove
             and  50% at stocking densities of 150 and            forests,  coral reefs and sea shores are important
             200/m , respectively. Similarly, gain  in  weight    part of marine ecosystem but affected by climatic
             and length was also better  in  lower  stocking      variations. Climate induced phenomenon trigger
             densities. Similar survival rate (45 to 55%) was     the environmental degradation, biodiversity  and
             observed in three densities  in  earthen  mini       habitat loss, ecological imbalance as well as wroth
             ponds. However, gain in weight  and  length          of  global  economy. This paper highlights the
             showed no significant (p<0.05) differences. H.       potential negative consequences on  marine
             fossilis,  C. batrachus showed almost similar        ecosystem due to the global climate change.

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