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601 SALAM, M.A.; BAIN, S. & HOSSAIN, Development, Mail Box-159, Asian Institute of
M.A. (Dept. of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Technology, Thailand). A Conceptual Model of
Agricultural University, Mymensingh). Suitable Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Coastal
sites for sustainable aquaculture development in Bangladesh : A Case of Shrimp Aquaculture.
Mymensingh, Bangladesh : A GIS methodological South Asian J. Agric. 2006, 1(2), 92-100.
perspective. Bang. J. Fish. Res., 2005, 9(1), 59-60.
This paper mainly focuses on sustainability aspects
A GIS study was carried out to find out the sites of agricultural system in Bangladesh and how this
suitable for aquaculture in Mymensingh region. A has to fit in sustainable agriculture through
number of criteria were selected for GIS modeling presentation of the conceptual model of shrimp
followed by the approach of Kapetsky (1994). The aquaculture in coastal Bangladesh. The main
criteria were developed from a range of existing concern regarding agriculture is to follow the
data sources such as, surface and underground principles of sustainability. It shows the measures
water level, availability of feed ingredients and of agriculture sustainability by the economic and
animal wastes, sources of fish fry, market facilities, physical methods. It identifies the different
extension support and communication facilities for influencing factors towards agriculture
aquaculture development. The data were located, sustainability. In case of shrimp aquaculture in
collected and compiled from different GOs and coastal Bangladesh, this paper sets three
NGOs located in the region along with primary sustainability dimensions in relation with
data from the field survey wherever necessary and economic, social and ecology and it also makes the
then prepared for computer analyses. Using the quantification of the associated indicators
database, a series of GIS models were developed in regarding the sustainability dimensions. With this
order to ascertain and prioritize the most suitable regard, a conceptual model of sustainable shrimp
areas for aquaculture development in the region. aquaculture in coastal Bangladesh has been
Out of total 407,528 ha available lands in the developed that involves an environmental impact
region, the study identified 99,415 ha very suitable assessment with social and economic issues.
and 302,754 ha moderately suitable for aquaculture Finally, it is said that the sustainable agriculture
promotion. Result of the study is indicative to the should be followed by the renewable methods that
modeling power of GIS for aquaculture application enhance the resource base for future generations.
and could be used to refine the models in future,
particularly if it is supported with further detail 603 SARDER, M.R.I.; SALAM, M.A.;
field data. To get a more concrete and complete SHAFIN, S.M. (Dept. of Fisheries Biology &
model, detailed study should be made available on Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
the availability of mustard oil cake, rice bran, Mymensingh); HUSSAIN, M.G. & ISLAM, M.S.
wheat bran, and usable animal and urban wastes (Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute,
that could be used as low-cost feed for sustainable Mymensingh). Cryopreservation of sperm of
aquaculture. common carp, Cyprinus carpio and silver barb,
Barbonymus gonionotus for genetically improved
602 SALEQUZZAMAN, M.; UDDIN. M.N.; seed production. Bang. J. Fish. Res., 2005, 9(1), 1-3.
ISLAM, M.A. (Environmental Science Discipline,
Khulna University, Khulna) & CHOWDHURY, Experiments were conducted to develop and
M.A. (School of Environment Resources & standardize the protocols for cryopreservation of