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livelihoods through collection and marketing of the   The  respondents were divided into groups on the
             aqua-products.  In  view  of this, an attempt was    basis of their land ownership. These groups were
             made to evaluate the importance of various aqua-     landless  (00.49 acre), marginal (0.5-1.0 acre),
             products that come in the Khulna city markets. A     small (1.01-2.49 acre), medium (2.5-7.49 acre) and
             questionnaire survey was made on  50  selling        large (>7.5 acre). Collected data  were  compiled,
             men/women of 8 different markets about the type      tabulated and analyzed by quantitative test. From
             of  plants and fishes collected, their season of     the result it was found that mean yield of rice, rice
             availability,  volume of harvest, selling price and   straw, rice polish decreased in the study area after
             the marketing channel of the products. A total of    introduction of shrimp culture. Population number
             10 different types of aquatic vegetables and 12 SIS   and percentage of cattle,  goat,  chicken, duck per
             of fish were seen to be harvested and sold in the    farmer, milk production kg/cow/day,  milk
             markets of the metropolis. According to the seller,   production kg/doe/day, lactation length (days)  of
             most of the vegetables are available throughout the   cow  and  doe decreased in post shrimp culture
             year; however, the survey  revealed that the peak    compared to pre-shrimp cultured. Mortality
             season was during August-December. Depending         percentage  and  calving interval (days) increased
             upon the collection and demand in the market, on     compared to pre-shrimp culture  period.  Egg
             an average, up to 12 Kg vegetable and 2 Kg fish      production/hen/year and egg production/duck/ year
             were sold daily. The supply of the peri-urban aqua-  were decreased in post shrimp culture compared to
             products to the urban markets was highly informal.   pre-shrimp culture in the study area. It is compared
             This production venture could be organized  and      that livestock production decreased in post shrimp
             upgraded  through  motivation, training and credit   culture compared to pre-shrimp culture. Treatment
             support to the collectors to  make  meaningful       cost also increased after introduction of  shrimp
             contribution in the livelihoods of the poor.         cultivation.

             605  SHIMUL, F.M.; REZA, A.  (Dept. of               606   SULTANA,      N.;   HOSSAIN,      M.A.;
             Animal    Nutrition,  Bangladesh   Agricultural      UDDIN,  K.M.A.;  HUSSAIN, M.G. & MAZID,
             University, Mymensingh); ALI, M.R. (Dept. of         M.A.  (Freshwater Station, Bangladesh  Fisheries
             Animal Breeding of Genetics Bangladesh               Research Institute, Mymensingh). On farm trial of
             Agricultural   University,  Mymensingh)     &        freshwater pearl culture. Bang. J. Fish. Res., 2005,
             SIDDIQUE, J.H.  (Office  of the Deputy               9(1), 33-34.
             Commissioner,  Rajshahi). Effect of Shrimp
             Culture on Livestock Production at Morrelganj        On farm preliminary trial  of  freshwater  pearl
             Upazila of Bagerhat District. Bang. J. Mina. Sci.,   culture  was  done through 20 entrepreneurs in
             2007, 36(1 & 2), 97-104.                             Boilor  and Sutiakhali villages of Mymensingh
                                                                  district during 2004. A group of  20  enthusiastic
             The study was conducted to  assess  the  effect  of   women  were  selected and trained on the art of
             shrimp culture on livestock production  at           mantle tissue dissection, operation  for  mantle
             Morrelganj under Bagerhat district. A total number   tissue implantation and preparation  of  ponds  for
             of 60 respondents were selected from ten unions in   pearl culture. A total of 200 juvenile freshwater
             Morrelganj upazila under Bagerhat district of        mussel,  Lamellidens marginalis, were collected
             which 6 respondents were taken from each union.      from  the  wild and were used for mantle issue
             Data were collected through  interview  schedule.    operation.  The operated mussels were then

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