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sperm of common carp, Cyprinus carpio and also normal sperm were found to grow well and no
for using the cryopreserved sperm for fertilization significant (P<0.05) growth difference was
of eggs. Nine extender solutions as Alsever's observed between them. In case of silver barb,
solution, kurokura-1, kurokura-2, urea egg-yolk, Barbonymus gonionotus, sperm tested against six
egg-yolk citrate, 0.6% glucose, 0.9% NaCl, M and extenders such as egg-yolk citrate, urea-egg-yolk,
M , and five cryoprotectants namely ethanol, kurokura-1, kurokura-2, 0.9% NaCl and modified
methanol, dimelhylsulfoxide DMSO), fish ringer (MFR) solution. Cryoprotectants used
dimethylamine (DMA) and glycerol were tested. were the same as those of C. carpio. Milt was
The cryoprotectants were mixed at 10% diluted with the cryodiluent at a ratio of 1:4 for
concentration of the extenders (v/v) to make the egg-yolk citrate and urea-egg-yolk, 1:5 for
cryodiluents. Milt and cryodiluents were mixed at kurokura-1 and 1-9 for 0.9% NaCl, MFR and
a ratio of 1:9 for Alsever's solution, kurokura-1, kurokura-2. The cryoprotectant concentration was
kurokura-2, 0.6% glucose and 0.9% NaCl, 1:4 for maintained at 10% of the extender (V/V) in all the
urea egg-yolk, egg-yolk citrate, M and M . cases. Among the extenders, egg-yolk citrate and
Among the cryodiluents Alsever's solution mixed urea-egg-yolk mixed with 10% DMSO, methanol
with either ethanol or methanol was found to be and ethanol produced 50% post-thaw
suitable and it produced more than 90% and 80% spermatozoan motlitv, whereas DMA and glycerol
spermatozoan motility at equilibrium and post- provided only 10% motility. Trials on milt dilution
thaw periods, respectively. Kurokura-1 and ratio and cryoprotectant conceniraiion are being
kurokura-2 when mixed with the same conducted. Fertilization trials are also underway.
cryoprotectants showed good spermatozoan
motility at equilibrium period (80-90%) but the 604 SHAH, M.S.; SAYEED, M.A.B.;
motility was reduced (30-55%) at post-thaw state. AHMED, M.L.; TALOKDER, B.A. & GHOSH,
Other extenders did not produce acceptable sperm- A.K. (Fisheries & Marine Resource Technology
motility and in some cases the frozen milt became Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna). Aqua-
clotted. Different dilution ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:5, Products in Klulna Metropolitan Urban and Peri-
1:7, 1:9, 1:12, 1:15, 1:20) were formulated for Urban Areas of Bangladesh. South Asian J. Agric.,
obtaining a suitable milt dilution, the dilution ratio 2007, 2(1 & 2), 107-112.
of 1: 9 (milt : cryodiluent) demonstrated the
highest post-thaw spermatozoan motility (80%) in Urban and peri-urban wetlands are the nutrient
Alserver's solution. The optimum concentration of bank for various aquatic vegetables and small
cryoprotectants in the cryodiluents was indigenous species (SIS) of fish. These aquatic
determined, 10% concentration level was found to habitats and their products have never been
be effective to produce the highest number of considered seriously from economic point of view,
spermatozoan motility in comparison to the other rather overlooked. However, this could be a great
concentrations (5%, 15%, 20%, 30%). Sperm source of income and nutrition of the poor and
preserved with the cryodiluent Alsever's solution disadvantaged people of the adjacent localities, if a
along with either methanol or ethanol was found to judicious effort and patronage could be made.
be effective to fertilize eggs and produce While it is very difficult to fight with the poverty
hatchlings. The hatching rates ranged between and malnutrition of the large number of poor city
1.48% and 14.76%, compare to control. The fish dwellers, this otherwise overlooked sector could
produced through use of cryopreserved sperm and play an important role in development of their