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609 WAHIDATUNNESSA,  S.M.;  RAHMAN,                  The  present  study investigated the seasonal
             B.; SAROWER, M. G. & ALI, M. Y. (Fisheries           variation of proximate  compositions and mineral
             & Marine Resource Technology  Discipline,            contents of  Amblypharyngodon mola during  July
             Khulna University, Khulna).  Organoleptic  and       2003 to June 2004. In  proximate  composition
             Biochemical Changes of Hilsha (Hilsha tenualosa)     analysis the maximum level  of  moisture  content
             Stored in Ice and at Ambient Temperature. South      was found in autumn (78.6±0.2 g/100 g)  and
             Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2(1 & 2), 113-116.            minimum in winter (77.3±0.17 g/100  g);  the
                                                                  protein content was found  maximum  in  winter
             Investigation  was  carried out on the organoleptic   (15.37±0.12  g/100 g), while minimum in autumn
             and biochemical quality of Hilsha  (Hilsha           (14.37±0.21  g/100  g); the fat content was found
             tenualosa) stored in ice and at ambient temperature   maximum in winter (2.13±0.12 g/100 g), while
             (16-18°C) up to complete spoilage. The study was     minimum  in  autumn (1.57±0.06 g/100 g) and the
             done  in winter of 2007. The initial Organoleptic    ash content was found maximum in autumn
             score  on first day was highly acceptable and the    (2.27±0.06  g/100  g) and minimum in winter
             score remained in the acceptable limit until I2  day   (1.6±0. 1 g/100 g). In mineral  content  study,  the
             in ice. Whereas, the score surpassed the acceptable   calcium  content  was found maximum in autumn
             limit before 3   day and became unacceptable on      (1155±5 mg/100 g) and  minimum  in  winter
             4  day at ambient temperature. Initially the TMA-    (1124±5.29 mg/100 g) and the phosphorus content
             N content was low (2.478 gN/100g). There was a       was maximum in summer (441.67±9.07 mg/100 g)
             rapio change in TMA-N content with the progress      and minimum in autumn (406.67±4. 16 mg/100 g).
             of storage period. On the  5  day of storage, the    Proximate composition and mineral contents of A.
             TMA-N value increased slightly. From the 10  day     mola varied seasonally.
             onward  until the end of the trial, the value
             increased rapidly. The TMA-N value was 14.609        611 ZAMAN,  T.  (Dept.  of Fisheries, Rajshahi
             mgN/100g on the 12  day when the  quality  was       University, Rajshahi); BHUIYAN, A.S.  &
             acceptable  but exceeded the recommended             ISLAM, M.K.  (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi
             acceptable  value on the 14  day. The TVB-N          University,  Rajshahi). Induced Spawning of
             content increased markedly just  after  the          Puntius Gonionotus (Bleeker).  Bang. J. Zool.,
             acceptable limit on the 14  day of storage where     2007, 35(2), 245-249.
             the  value  was  13.694 mgN/100g. The pH value
             increased with the progress of storage time in ice.   An experiment was conducted on  the  induced
                                                                  spawning of Rajputi Puntius gonionotus (Bleeker)
             610  ZAMAN, S.; HAQ, M.M.  (Dept. of                 from  April to July 2005. Five different doses of
             Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka);    pituitary gland (PG) were used in the experiment.
             HOSSAIN, M.A. & ISLAM, M.S.  (Food                   All five doses, such as D 1 - 1 & 2 mg/kg, D 2 - 2 &
             Technology Division, Institute of Food &             4 mg/kg, D 3 - 3 & 6 mg/kg, D 4 - 4 & 8 mg/kg, D 5 -
             Radiation  Biology, Savar, Dhaka). Seasonal          5  & 10 mg/kg were effective equally (100%) in
             variation of proximate compositions  and  mineral    induced spawning. The highest fertilization rates
             contents in mola fish  (Amblypharyngodon mola).      were 70.10± 2.25% in April (dose D 4, 75.00  ±
             Bang. J. Life Sci., 2006, 18(1), 11-18.              2.10% in May (dose D 3). 80.00 ± 2.14% in June
                                                                  and 79.20 ± 2.65% in July (dose D 4). The highest
                                                                  hatching and survivability rates were 61.50 ± 3.10

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