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five months in simple low cost storage media and Use of Shrimp Head Waste as Fish Meal.
(earthen pot). Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res, 2006, 41(1 & 2), 63-66.
625 JAHAN, R.; ALAUDDIN, M.; ISLAM, The different parameters oil physico-chemical
A.F.M.T.; NATH, K.K. (Dept. of Biochemistry & characteristics especially the free fatty acid (FFA),
Molecular Biology, Chittagong University, Chittagong) peroxide values, iodine values, lipid class
& MOLY, P.K. (Dept. of Biochemistry and composition and major elements of shrimp head
Molecular Biology, Jahangirnagar University, waste were studied. The oil was fractionated into
Savar, Dhaka). A biochemical approach to improve mono, di and triglycerides by silicic acid column
the shelf life of bread using different preservatives chromatography. The calcium ranged from 3.26
& to verify the nutritional quality of market breads. mg/100 gm to 5.08 mg/100 gm. magnesium 4.79
Bang. J. Life Sci., 2006, 18(2), 1-9. mg/100gm to 7.02 mg/100gm, sodium 51.09
mg/l00gm to 73.05 mg/l00gm and potassium 52.91
Shelf life of 35 laboratory-made bread (each mg/l00gm to 83.07 mg/l00gm respectively. The
contain 7 pieces of slice weighing l00gm) with percentage of crude protein is 49.47.
various types of preservatives and 20 bread
samples from market were examined. The 627 QURAISHI, S.B., & AKHTER, S.
proximate biochemical compositions of these (Chemistry Division, Atomic Energy Centre,
breads were determined and microbial growth was Ramna, Dhaka). Analysis of Toxic Metals in Fish
observed. The most interesting finding of this by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Method
study was the use of tatul liquid (tamarind-contains Using Preconcentration Techniques of Sample
tartaric acid) as preservative and found to keep Preparation and Their levels in Exportable Fish of
bread fresh, testy and free from microorganisms up Bangladesh. J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31(2), 191-
to 7-8 days with low pH. It's a natural preservative 196.
and very much available in our country. Tatul
liquid along with some other preservatives like The determination of trace elements specially toxic
calcium propionate, acetic acid and glycerin were elements in fish and water has been investigated by
also tried and found efficient (shelf life up to 10 Flame and Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption
days). Calcium propionate and acetic acid along Spectrophotometric method with the aid of closed
with glycerin were also a good preservative. digestion and pre-concentration technique. The
Microbial study showed that normally bread method has been tested by adding known amounts
remained fresh up to 3 days. Biochemical of metal to fish and water. The recovery values
composition of laboratory bread and bread samples obtained for Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg were more than
from market showed that moisture, carbohydrate, 90%. The detection limits were found to be about
protein and fat contents were about 34%, 49%, 16 - 360 times lower than that of other methods.
7.8% and 8.4% against 32.68%, 87.48%, 6.02% The present method was applied to the
and 4.25% respectively. determination of trace toxic elements in exportable
fish and cultural water. The levels of Pb, Cd, Cr,
626 NARGIS, A.; AHMED, K.N.; AHMED, and Hg in these sample matrices were found to be
G.M.; HOSSAIN, M.A. & RAHMAN, M. below detection limit in most cases with a few
(BCSIR Laboratories, Rajshahi). Nutritional Value exceptions.