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591  RABBANI, A.G.; SIDDIQUI, M.N.;                  KHALAQUE, M.A.  (Dept. of Fisheries, Dhaka
             KUMAR, S.K.; RAHMAN, S.H. &  UDDIN,                  University, Dhaka). Effects of Dietary Vitamin C
             M.N.  (Fisheries & Marine Resource Technology        on the Feed Utilization and Growth Performance in
             Discipline,   Khulna    University,   Khulna).       Koi Fish, Anabas Testudineus  (Bloch,  1792).
             Favourable Abiotic Environmental Condition  for      Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35(1), 95-105.
             the Prevalence of   Ruppia Maritima (Wigeon
             Grass) in Shrimp Culture  Ponds.  South Asian J.     The present study evaluated the role of pellet feed
             Agric., 2006, 1(2), 28-31.                           supplemented with and without vitamin  C  on  the
                                                                  growth, survival and feed utilization efficiency in
             A three-month study was conducted to identify the    climbing perch Anabas testudineus in flow-through
             vital  abiotic factors that affect the prevalence of   systems under laboratory conditions. In particular,
             Ruppia maritima in the traditional shrimp culture    the evaluation was made in terms  of  feed
             ponds. Among six experimental ponds, three were      conversion  ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio
             with R. maritima and the other three were without    (PER), feed efficiency, average daily gain (ADG),
             R. maritima. Water depth, pH, alkalinity, dissolved   specific growth rate (SGR) and condition factor of
             oxygen, salinity and transparency  of  the  ponds    the  fish. The experimental diets were: diet 1
             were  measured from three ponds having  R.           (without vitamin C; control) and diet 2
             maritima vegetation and compared with those          (treatment 1) and 3 (treatment 2) with 600 and
             measurements  from  three ponds having no  R.        1250 mg vitamin C per  kg  feed,  respectively.
             maritima vegetation. These abiotic  factors  have    Fish fed 1250 mg/kg of vitamin C had the lowest
             been reported to affect the physical, chemical and   FCR  (1.57  ±  0.10 %) while the highest FCR
             biological characteristics of the  six  ponds.  The   (3.43  ±0.12  %)  was observed in control (group
             three ponds having  R. maritima vegetation and       of fish fed 0 mg vitamin C per kg feed).  The
             clay-loamy bottom had salinity, pH,  alkalinity,     PER was the highest (1.61 ± 0.12) in treatment 2
             transparency, and water depth data  which  were      and the lowest (0.73 ± 0.02) in the control fish.
             quite  different from the data obtained from the     However, PER in the treatment 1  was
             ponds having  no  R. maritima. But dissolved         significantly  higher than that of control and
             oxygen parameters for  both groups of ponds did      lower than treatment 2. The highest SGR (1.75 ±
             not show any significant difference. The             0.11 %/d) was measured in the treatment 2 while
             significant difference among the means of salinity,   the lowest (0.80 ± 0.12 %/d)  was  found  in  the
             pH, alkalinity, transparency, and  water  depth      control  fish.  However, the SGR (1.31 ± 0.03
             between the ponds with and without  R. maritima      %/d) observed in the treatment  1  was
             suggest  that  these abiotic factors. contribute     significantly lower than that of  treatment  2  and
             substantially  to  the water quality parameters of   higher than that of the control. The highest ADG
             shrimp ponds and thereby to the biotic parameters    (0.282 ±0.012 g/d) found in the fish  was  in
             of them.                                             treatment  2  while the lowest ADG (0.140 ±
                                                                  0.003 g/d). However, the ADG (0.220 ±  0.006
             592 RAHMAN,  A.F.M.A.  (Dept. of Fisheries           g/d)  measured  in the treatment 1 was
             and Marine Science, Noakhali Science and             significantly lower than treatment  2  and  higher
             Technology University,  Noakhali); MUSTAFA,          than that of control. The condition factor k was
             M.G.  (Institute of Food, Science & Technology,      highest (0.74±0.10 %) in the treatment 2 and
             BCSIR,     Dhaka);    WAHED,       M.A.     &        lowest in the control (0.38 ± 0.05 %). Results of

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