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individual fishes. A number of breeding  Mystus      FiSAT programme was used  to  estimate
             bleekeri (weighting 80-170g) were  induced  to       population parameters of Lepturacanthus savala
             breed  with  a series of PG doses by injecting a     from length frequency data. L  α  and K were
             single dose of 0.6 to 1.5mg/ l00g body weight. The   found to be 108.0 cm  and  0.75  year . The
             performance  of  each of the treatment dose was      estimate provided by Wetherall plot for L α and
             evaluated  in terms of ovulation response,           Z/K were found to be 108.9 cm and 4.577. The
             fertilization and hatching rates of eggs.  The       growth performance index (φ') was 3.941.  The
             optimum  dose  obtained  for breeding was 1.1 mg     annual rate of natural and fishing mortality were
             PGE/l00g body weight and at that dose, the           estimated as 1.04 and 1.54. The exploitation rate
             fertilization rate was 76±5.32% and hatching rate    was  0.65. The selection pattern Lc was 33.77
             of egg was 79±4.68%. The fish spawned naturally      cm.  Recruitment pattern suggests of two
             in concrete cisterns after 7-8 hours at an ambient   seasonal pulses Sept-Oct and Mar-Apr. Peak
             water temperature of 25° to 28°C.                    recruitment   appeared   during    September-
                                                                  October. Highest exploitation was  observed
             581  MUSA, A.S.M. & BHUIYAN, A.S. (Dept.             between length class 60.0 to 80.0 cm. Optimum
             of  Zoology,  Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). The    yield  could   be   achieved   simultaneously
             Spawning Periodicity of  Mystus Bleekeri (Day)       increasing length at first capture to 50.0 cm and
             From the River Padma of  Bangladesh.  Bang. J.       decreasing the fishing mortality  to  0.72
             Zool., 2008, 36(1), 43-48.                           coefficient rates.

             A  total  of  550 specimens (240 males and 310       583 MUSTAFI,          B.A.A.      (Agricultural
             females) of Mystus bleekeri (Day) was collected      Economics  Division, Bangladesh Rice Research
             from different fish landing centres of  Rajshahi     Institute, Gazipur). Adoption, productivity and
             during the period from April 2004  to  March         profitability of rice-fish and fingerling culture  in
             2005. The spawning periodicity of  Mystus            three selected districts of Bangladesh.  Bang. J.
             bleekeri (Day) from the river  Padma  of             Fish. Res., 2005, 9(1), 83-85.
             Bangladesh was studied. Five maturity stages of
             ovary, viz. immature, maturing, mature, ripe and     The study aimed to investigate the productivity and
             spent were observed. The high values of GSI in       profitability of rice-fish farming. It also determined
             the months of June, July and  August  indicated      the factors affecting rice-fish  and  fingerling
             that these months were the main  spawning            production  in Bangladesh. Among the total
             seasons of the species and the fish  breeds  only    respondents about 55% were involved in rice-fish
             once a year.                                         farming, 37% in pond fish culture and rest 9% in
                                                                  fish  nursery.  Integrated  rice-fish  farming
             582 MUSTAFA,  M.G.  (World Fish Center,              contributed about 83% of the annual farm income
             Dhaka) & ALI, S.  (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka           in  Comilla while it was about 20% in both
             University, Dhaka).  Population dynamics and         Kishoregonj and Chandpur districts. Among the
             the   management     of   the   Ribbon    fish       different farming systems integrated rice-fish
             (Lepturacanthus savala)  from the Bay of             culture and rearing fingerlings in the nursery pond
             Bengal.  Bang. J. Life.  Sci.,  2006,  18(1), 117-   were more profitable at the farm level. Farmers
             124.                                                 earned a net return of  Tk.  49,714/ha  from
                                                                  integrated fish culture with boro rice while the net

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