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with  rice  bran and mustard oil cake (3:1). Soft    has no additional advantages  on  breeding
             green grass and banana leaves  were  provided        performance of  A. testudineus. Therefore, single
             mainly  for  grass  carp. At harvest, the production   injection  may  be preferred over the second
             obtained in treatments 1, 2 and 3 were               injection for breeding of this fish.
             2,325±74.75,  2,620±49.66 and 2,982± 171.52
             kg/ha,  respectively. The results demonstrated       574   MAHMUD,       T.A.   &   BANU,     G.R.
             higher growth of fish in treatment 1 than those of   (Fisheries  and Marine Resource Technology
             treatments 2 and 3. However, treatment  3            Discipline,  Khulna     University,  Khulna).
             contributed relatively higher production than those   Commonly Used Chemotherapeutics in Fish
             of treatments 1 and 2, whereas, highest net benefit   Hatcheries at  Jessore Sadar Upajila, Bangladesh.
             was received from treatment 2.                       South Asian J. Agric., 2006, 1(2), 1-4.

             573 MAHMOOD,  S.U.  (Dept. of Zoology,               Aquaculture in Bangladesh is largely of extensive
             Dhaka  University, Dhaka). Comparison Between        type  and  the  available information on the use of
             Single  and  Double Injection of Pituitary Gland     chemotherapeutics in culture systems  is  very
             (Pg) on the Breeding Performance of  Climbing        limited. Concerning this, a field survey was
             Perch,  Anabas Testudineus (Bloch).  J. Bio-Sci.,    conducted from May to July, 2005 to study various
             2006, 14, 57-60.                                     drugs  and  chemicals  used in fish hatcheries in
                                                                  brood  fish  management and fry production. The
             An  investigation  was  carried out to study the     data were collected from twelve fish  hatcheries
             effects of single and double injection of given dose   from various thanas (Chandra,  Arabpur,  Palpara
             of  pituitary  gland (PG) on the breeding            etc.) of Jessore sadar upazilla, Jessore. The results
             performance viz., ovulation response, fertilization,   of the investigation on hatcheries  revealed  that
             and hatching of climbing perch,  Anabas              different  types of antibiotics (oxytetracycline,
             testudineus was tested. Pituitary gland dose of 1.2   erythromycin,  chloramphenicol, oxolinic acid),
             mg/l00g was used in  this  experiment.  Twenty       inseclisides (sumithion, nogos, dipterex, ustaad
             female  fish was arranged into two treatments: T 1   etc.) and other chemicals (malachite green, copper
             and T 2, each with 10 replications. In T 1, the entire   sulphate, bleaching powder, methyline blue, quick
             dose was administered in a single injection and in   lime etc.) had been used  in  successful  hatchery
             T 2 the same dose was given in two equal injections   operations to prevent various bacterial  diseases
             three  hr  apart.  The experiment was laid in        (vibriosis,  fin and tail rot disease, abdominal
             completely randomized design (CRD).  It  was         dropsy, pseudomonad infection etc.). Among  the
             found  that  administration of PG in split doses     antibiotics used in hatcheries, oxytetracycline was
             (double injection) had no additional  advantages     the most common. The result also revealed that
             (ovulation 100%, fertilization 81.56% and hatching   most  of the hatchery operators did not follow
             72.68%) over the single injection (ovulation 100%,   proper application methods. Urgent initiatives
             fertilization 83.03%  and hatching  75.48%)          should be undertaken so that the farmers as well as
             treatment. Similarly, the ovulation time of the fish   hatchery operators could be able to apply various
             did not vary significantly in either single or double   chemotherapeutics properly. Further research must
             injection  of  PG  (single injection 7.12 hr; double   be done on recommended dosages, usages, method
             injection 7.20 hr). The results  demonstrated  that   of application and effectiveness of  various
             splitting of pituitary gland dose (double injection)

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