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doses  for  them. Remarkable differences were        namely Sunney Fish Feed (F 2) and Saudi Bangla
             found among the prices of different feeds and other   Fish Feed (F 3) in three respective treatments of T 1
             inputs used for different technologies in  different   T 2 and T 3.  All treatments were carried out in
             locations. Prices of all inputs  were  found  to  be   triplicate with a stocking density of 24700/ha for
             increasing and this increase was more  in  recent    Thai pangus and 4940/ha for rohu. The average
             years compared to previous years. Though all the     initial weight of individual P. hypophthalmus and
             technologies were found to be profitable, the feed   L. rohita stocked were 4.5 and 33.5 g respectively.
             situation was not satisfactory. Except rice polish all   The survival rate of Thai pangus and rohu  was
             the local feeds showed deficit in supply to meet the   found to be 95 and 78; 94 and 83 and 97 and 80 in
             national demand for the country. If this  situation   T 1, T 2 and T 3 respectively. The average final
             persists and no proper measures are taken to secure   individual  growth  in weight of P. hypophthalmus
             the local feed supply, the present development of    and L. rohita were 820 and 710; 846 and 770 and
             supplementary  feed-based aquaculture would be       872 and 717 g which produced a total of 19241.3
             fully dependent on imported feeds and would not      and 2770.8; 19642.4 and 3157.2 and 20892.2 and
             be sustainable in future. This  study  strongly      2833.6 kg/ha in T 1, T 2 and T 3 respectively. Feed
             suggests the corresponding authority to handle the   conversion ratio (FCR) was estimated  to  be  2.3
             matter with proper attention  considering  its       from T 1  2.1 from T 2 and 1.96 from T 3. Net profit
             significant livelihood impact on  the  economy  of   was calculated 523454, 491196 and 469676 Tk/ha
             the country.                                         for T 1, T, and T 3 respectively. Total production was
                                                                  higher in T 3, whereas net profit was higher in T 1
             577   MISTRY,     S.K.;   SAYEED,     M.A.B.;        compared with other treatments. This  study
             HOSSAIN, G.S. & HUQ,  K.  A.  (Fisheries &           suggests that hand made quality  feed  can  reduce
             Marine  Resource Technology Discipline Khulna,       the feed cost to achieve higher profit in Thai
             University,  Khulna). Diet Compatibility in the      pangus polyculture.
             Production  and  Economics of Thai Pangus
             (Pangasius hypophthalmus) Polyculture with Rohu      578   MONDAL,       S.C.;   RASHID,     M.H.
             (Labeo rohita). South Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2 (1 &   (Bangladesh  Fisheries   Research   Institute,
             2), 57-62.                                           Freshwater Sub-station,  Jessore); AHSAN, M.N.;
                                                                  RAHMAN, S.M.; RAHMAN,  M.M.  (Fisheries
             Polyculture   of   Thai   pangus    (Pangasius       and Marine Resource Technology Discipline,
             hypophthalmus) with Indian major carps has been      Khulna University, Khulna) & ERSHAD, S.M.E.
             increasing due to its high potential for commercial   (Youth Training Centre, Jessore)  Performance  of
             aquacullure, yet there have been few  nutritional    silver carp  (Hypophthallmichthys molitrix) in
             studies  regarding  its production and economics     integrated culture with chicken in rural polyculture
             using  hand  made and commercial feeds. An           ponds. Bang. J. Life. Sci., 2006, 18(2), 87-95.
             investigation was made to evaluate the  effect  of
             three  types  of  feed on the production of  P.      Integrated farming of layer chickens with  major
             hypophthalmus polycultured with  rohu  (Labeo        carps (Hypophthallmichthys molitrix, Labeo
             rohita) from May, 2005 to April 2006. Production     rohita,  Catla    catla,  Cirrhina    mrigala,
             performance by feeding  deliberately  manipulated    Ctenopharyngodon idella, Cyprinus  carpio and
             Hand Made Feed (F 1) was compared with that of       Puntius  gonionotus)  were  carried out in five
             other two locally available commercial fish feed     districts (Jhenaidah, Magura, Faridpur, Jessore and

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