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The    histoanatomical   and    histonumerical       Jessore and Santahar, Bangladesh.  Bang. J. Fish.
             analysis of the digestive system of  Channa          Res., 2005, 9(1), 49-50.
             punctatus was made. It's digestive tract  was
             short in length. The digestive system includes       BFRI    evolved  some    selected  aquaculture
             large mouth with sharp teeth, highly distensible     technologies viz. polyculture of carps in perennial
             oesophagus, a large stomach, a  number  of           ponds, monoculture of short  cycled  fish  species
             pyloric caecae and a short intestinal  tract.  The   (BFRI super strain) in seasonal  ponds  and  prawn
             mucosal layer of the oesophagus  is  highly          seed production through backyard hatchery system
             folded,  the  stomach was distinct with strong       have been demonstrated under Farming System
             and branched villi and the intestine was short       Research  (FSR)  component in Jessore and
             with long villi.                                     Santahar regions. Both polyculture  of  carps  and
                                                                  monoculture  of  short cycled fish species
             587  NASER, M.N. & ZAMAN, M.  (Dept. of              technologies  were tested in farmer's ponds in
             Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). Relative          Kaium Kula village near Jessore town.  In
             Dependence  on  the Aerial Respiration of the        polyculture trials, seven species comprising  of
             Indigenous Catfish,  Heteropeneustes Fossilis        silver carp  (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), catla
             (Bloch, 1794).  Bang. J. Zool., 2006,  34(2), 229-   (Catla catla), rohu  (Labeo rohita), grass carp
             236.                                                 (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), common carp
                                                                  (Cyprinus carpio), mrigal  (Cirrhinus cirrhosus)
             The minimum level of dissolved oxygen (DO) and       and silver barb  (Barbonymus gonionotus) were
             other parameters in water required for the normal    stocked  @ 9,500 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:5); 10,750
             life of  H. fossilis were measured. Different water   (ratio  6:2:4:2:1:5:5)  and   12,000   (ratio
             parameters in the aquaria showed that the fish died   6:2:4:2:1:5:4) fish/ha respectively in ponds of
             from  PNR  (point  of  no return) not only for low   T 1, T 2 and T 3 having three replications of each.
             dissolved oxygen (0.1 mg/1), but also  for  the      The mean highest fish production was 3,148
             significant change in important water parameters     kg/ha in T 3, followed by 2,899 kg/ha in T 1 and
             like ammonia (30.37 mg/1), carbon dioxide (374.8     2,875 kg/ha in T 2. Production of T 3  was
             mg/1), water conductivity (85.5 mg/1), and  total    significantly different (P<0.05) than both T 1 and
             hardness (148 mg/1) of water. H. fossilis survived   T 2,  while  there was no significant differences
             in an extremely low DO level of water (0.1 mg/l)     (P>0.05)  between  the production of T 1 and T 2.
             provided that the concentrations  of  other  factors   In case of trial of short cycled fish species, two
             like ammonia and carbon dioxide of the water were    treatments were tested: T 1  (comprising of BFRI
             suitable. The fishes were survived  by  aerial       super  strain  of Niletilapia, silver carp, common
             respiration when the ammonia and carbon dioxide      carp  and silver barb; ratio 3:5:1:1) and T 2
             levels were low.                                     (having only BFRI super strain of Nile tilapia).
                                                                  Slocking  density  in both the treatments were
             588  PRAMANIK,  M.W.A.; RAZZAK, M.A.;                same (20,000 fish/ha). In this trial  average
             HUSSAIN, M.G. & MAZID, M.A.  (Bangladesh             production was higher in T 1 (2,743 kg/ha) than
             Fisheries  Research   Institute,  Mymensingh).       that of T 2 (2,369 kg/ha) but the production figure
             Demonstration of some  selected  aquaculture         in  these two treatments was not significantly
             technologies  under  farming system  research in     different  (P>0.05). Demonstration of backyard
                                                                  prawn hatchery technology was tested  at

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