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Chuadanga). Fish were stocked at 16,000, 17,000      to  comply  with  the government restriction on PL
             and 18,000 fingerlings/ha for three  different       collection. Among the PL collectors, 60%  were
             treatments (T 1, T 2 and  T 3) with 120 days old     found Burmese (national of Myanmar)  refugee.
             chicken at the rate of 494 birds/ha of water area. In   The average family size of the PL collectors was
             these stocking densities,  H. molitrix in three      8.28  where  the  percentage  of adult male, female
             treatments  was    3,500,  4,500   and   5,500       and children (below 18 years) were 27, 28 and 45
             individuals/ha while  L. rohita, C. catla,  C.       respectively.  The highest number (26%) of PL
             mrigala, C. idella, C. carpio and  P. gonionotus     collectors fall in 21 to 30 years age group having
             were  stocked  equally  for each of the three        1:1.4 dependency ratio. Sixty eight percent of PL
             treatments at 3,000, 1,500, 3,700, 1,500, 800 and    collectors were found illiterate. Only more  than
             2,000 individuals/ha respectively. After nine        two-fifth of the respondents (44%) had their own
             months, the average gross productions were 5,462.    land with average land size of 0.03 ha. Sixty four
             12 kg fish/ha, 37, 100 eggs/ha and  706.18  kg       percent of family had annual income ranged Tk. 50
             chicken  meat/ha.  The highest production offish     to 70 thousands where per capita annual income
             (5,693.30  kg/ha)  was obtained from Jessore         was calculated as Tk. 8243.48. The money lenders
             district, while the highest productions of eggs      (Dadonder). issued loans to the PL collectors with
             (40,688 no./ha) and meat (736.55  kg/ha)  were       a very high rate of interest  (averagely  234.15%)
             obtained from Jhenaidah and Magura  districts,       that made the PL collectors' annual family income
             respectively.  Although  the stocking density of H.   always insufficient for livelihood. The banning of
             molitrix varied, the production of it did  not  vary   PL collection from nature imposed by  the
             accordingly suggesting that  H. molitrix could be    Government of Bangladesh is being ignored due to
             used with any of these stocking rates for integrated   the  poverty  of the PL collectors, high demand of
             culture  with  chicken and carps. The average        natural PL, lack of alternate  job  for  livelihood,
             production cost of the system  was  Tk.              illiteracy and unawareness. As PL collection is an
             2,50,177.20/ha and the average gross income was      intimidation  for saving biodiversity of nature,
             Tk. 3,83,129.40/ha which encured an average net      proper implementation of the restriction on  PL
             income of Tk. 1,32,952.20/ha.                        collection is crucially needed. However, the event
                                                                  implementation can not  be  successful  without
             579   MOSTAFA,      M.;    DEBNATH,      P.P.;       creation of alternate job options and  proper
             BISWAS, B.  (Fisheries & Marine Resource             awareness for this group of poor people.
             Technology    Discipline,  Khulna   University,
             Khulna) & IQBAL,  M.M.  (World Fish Centre,          580 MUSA, A.S.M. (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi
             Dhaka).  Socio-economic Status of Shrimp             Model College, Rajshahi). Effects  of  pituitary
             (Penaeus monodon) Post-larvae (PL) Collectors in     gland extract on the  breeding  performance  of
             Cox's  Bazar  with Emphasis on Violation of          Gulsha tengra,  Mystus bleekeri (Day).  Bang. J.
             Restriction on Wild PL Collection . South Asian J.   Life. Sci., 2008, 20(1), 57-60.
             Agric., 2007, 2 (1 & 2), 135-140.
                                                                  The study was to determine pituitary gland extract
             The main purpose of this study was to assess the     (PGE) doses for optimum breeding performance of
             socio-economic status of Bagda  shrimp  (Penaeus     gulsha tengra. The experiment was  conducted  in
             monodon) post-larvae collectors in Cox's Bazar,      completely randomized design with ten treatments,
             Bangladesh and to identify the causes of ignorance   five replications i.e. each dose was applied to five

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