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return of boro rice-alone was only Tk 11,179/ha. (Linnaeus, 1758) From a Culture Pond of Dhaka,
This indicated that farmer could earn 218% higher Bangladesh. Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35(1), 71-80.
net return from integrated rice-fish farming than
that of boro rice only farming. Moreover, The present study was conducted to determine the
integrated rice-fish culture also reduced pesticides ranges of hematological parameters of the healthy
cost to about 77% and weeding cost to about 51% adult indigenous catfish Magur, Clarias batrachus
in boro season. Fingerling nursing earned highest (Linnaeus 1758). The blood cells identified were:
net returns among the three technologies. erythrocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes,
neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and
884 NASER, M.N. & HOSSAIN, M.M. (Dept. thrombocytes. The normal ranges of hematological
of Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). Food and parameters were: Hematocrit (Hct) 23.1 to 46.3%,
Feeding Habits of the Advanced Fry of Labeo hemoglobin (Hb) 8 to 19.2 g/dl. total erythrocyte
Rohita (Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822) in a Nursery count (RBC) 1.45 to 3 .05 × 10 /mm , leucocytes
Pond. Bang. J. Zool., 2006, 34(1), 47-53. count 6,080 to 100,000 mm , thrombocyte counts
were between 6,120 and 300,000 mm , and the
The food and feeding habits of the advanced fry of differential cell counts varied with individual fish.
Rui. Labeo rohita were studied in a nursery pond Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean
at Manikgonj fish farm to determine the natural Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) and Mean
food items and diurnal variations of food. The fish Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
fry was found to be herbivorous with preferred ranged between 134.26 and 159.31 µm , 45:14 and
food groups belonging to Cyanophyaceae, 68.15 µg, and 33.33 and 43.72 g/dl, respectively.
Chlorophyaceae, Bacillarlophyaceae. Protozoan Correlations between some selected parameters
and the debris of plant and animal origin. The fish showed that there were a few significant
was also found to be a diurnal feeder with a relationships among hematological parameters.
feeding peak at noon. The Rui fry showed active Basophil and lymphocytes showed highly negative
feeding after dawn and just before the dusk. relationships, whereas Hb and Hct, Hb and RBC;
However, feeding activity stopped at night. There and Hct and RBC showed highly positive
was no food in the gut after two hours of sunset. correlations. Besides, total leukocytes showed
This emptiness of guts might be due to the fact that negative relationships with eosinophil and positive
the digestion of food materials took two hours after relationships with monocytes. Eosinophilis showed
stopping feeding by the fish at evening. From the positive relationships with neutrophilis. The
above study, it may be concluded that the regression formulas are as follows: Hct = 1.868 Hb
advanced rui fry are selective feeder; they are + 9.8919 where R = 0.7514, RBC = 0.0718 Hct -
selective in food item even in a day. They showed 0.0799 where R = 0.9251, Hb = 5.2002 RBC +
higher preference to phytoplanktons, protozoans 0.9562 where R = 0.6989
and animal and plant debris. The rui fry are
quiescent feeder at night. 586 NASER, M.N. & MUSTAFA, T. (Dept. of
Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). Histological
585 NASER, M.N. & LIZA, M.A. (Advanced and Histomorphometric Aspects of the Digestive
Fisheries Research Laboratory, (Dept. of Zoology, System of the Taki Fish, Channa Punctatus
Dhaka University, Dhaka). Some Hematological (Bloch- Schneider. 1801). Bang. J. Zool., 2006,
Parameters of Adult Magur, Clarias Batrachus 34(2), 205-212.