Page 75 - Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients
P. 75
Sharples 2004 (Continued)
Item Authors’ judgement Description
Representative spectrum? Yes ESKD patients assessed for CAD before
All tests kidney transplant.
Acceptable reference standard? Yes Coronary angiography with a reference
All tests standard threshold of ≥ 75% stenosis
Acceptable delay between tests? Unclear Likely to be short delay between tests.
All tests
Partial verification avoided? Yes All participants who underwent the index
All tests test received the reference standard test
Differential verification avoided? Yes Disease status (CAD) diagnosed by coro-
All tests nary angiography.
Incorporation avoided? Yes Disease status (CAD) diagnosed by coro-
All tests nary angiography.
Reference standard results blinded? Yes Analysis of the coronary angiograms was
All tests performed using a digital analysis system
operated by a cardiologist blinded to the
calcification score
Index test results blinded? Yes The acquired images were scored with the
All tests use of Imatron software by a single radiolo-
gist blinded to the clinical or angiographic
history of the patient
Relevant clinical information? Yes Relevant clinical information was provided
All tests regarding the performance and analysis of
both the index and reference tests
Uninterpretable results reported? Yes There were no uninterpretable results.
All tests
Withdrawals explained? Yes There were no withdrawals.
All tests
Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients (Review) 73
Copyright © 2011 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.