Page 77 - Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients
P. 77

Vandenberg 1996  (Continued)

                                                     ◦ failure to increase ejection fraction by at least 5 percentage points (in female
                                                subjects and in those with a resting ejection fraction of > 60%, the failure to increase
                                                ejection fraction was not considered abnormal); or
                                                     ◦ a new wall motion abnormality with exercise

                 Follow-up                      The mean time from thallium scintigraphy to the latest follow-up visit was 35 ± 19

                 Table of Methodological Quality

                 Item                           Authors’ judgement             Description

                 Representative spectrum?       Yes                            Renal failure patients undergoing cardiac
                 All tests                                                     evaluation as part of transplant workup

                 Acceptable reference standard?  Yes                           Yes, coronary angiography with a reference
                 All tests                                                     standard threshold of ≥75% stenosis

                 Acceptable delay between tests?  Yes                          Angiography was performed 55 ± 42 days
                 All tests                                                     after thallium scintigraphy in 42 patients
                                                                               and 50 ± 45 days after exercise radionuclide
                                                                               ventriculography in 40 patients

                 Partial verification avoided?   Yes                            All participants who received an index test
                 All tests                                                     received the reference standard test

                 Differential verification avoided?  Yes                        This was not an issue in this study. Disease
                 All tests                                                     status (CAD) is diagnosed only through
                                                                               coronary angiography

                 Incorporation avoided?         Yes                            This was not an issue in this study. Disease
                 All tests                                                     status (CAD) is diagnosed only through
                                                                               coronary angiography

                 Reference standard results blinded?  Yes                      Measurements were made by a single ob-
                 All tests                                                     server without knowledge of the results of
                                                                               the imaging tests

                 Index test results blinded?    Yes                            Images were interpreted by the consensus
                 All tests                                                     of two experienced radiologists who were
                                                                               unaware of the angiography results

                 Relevant clinical information?  Yes                           Relevant clinical information was provided
                 All tests                                                     regarding the performance and analysis of
                                                                               both the index and reference tests

                Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients (Review)  75
                Copyright © 2011 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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