Page 193 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
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Diarrhoea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis in children under 5 years
focused question, x, xiii health economics, 7
folic acid, 117, 123 levels of evidence, 6, 7
evidence overview, 123 literature search strategy, 5
evidence summary, 123 synthesis of clinical effectiveness evidence, 6
GDG interpretation of evidence, 125 see also health economics
forest plot, xiii differences from other guidelines, 3
fruit juices, 60 intended readership, 4
feeding after rehydration, 82 need for, 3
furazolidone, prior to pathogen identification, 97 recommendations. see recommendations
research recommendations. see research
gastric emptying, delayed, 78 scope, 1
gastroenteritis, xiv, 1 updating, schedule, 8
age relationship, 24 version for parents/carers and public, 4
clinical features, specific pathogens, 24 Guideline Development Group (GDG)
developed countries, 1 approach to current guideline, 3
diagnosis. see diagnosis of gastroenteritis development of current guideline, 5
duration, 2, see also diarrhoea, duration membership, v, 3, 5
global perspective, 1 declaration of interests, 5
infective organisms, prevalence, 24 guidelines
inpatients, 2 definition, xiv
mortality. see mortality, gastroenteritis other, on gastroenteritis management, 3
sudden onset, 21
symptoms, 1
UK prevalence/case numbers, 2 haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), 27, 34, 99
see also diarrhoea; vomiting; specific aspects risk factors, 99, 102
gastroenteritis management, 1, 2 vomiting, 100
alternative therapies. see alternative/complementary health economics, xiv, 7
therapies aim, 7
antibiotics. see antibiotic therapy evaluations in guideline, 6
at home by parents, 21 importance for recommendation formulation, 7
fluids. see fluid management IVT vs ORT in dehydration, 57
inconsistency of advice/therapy, 2 ondansetron. see ondansetron
therapies, 104 primary focus on alternative fluid management, 8
gastrointestinal disorders, non-infective, 26 prioritisation, 7
Gastrolyte-R®, 69 Health Protection Agency (HPA), 30, 138
generalisability, xiv health technology, xiv
Giardia lamblia health technology appraisal (HTA), xiv
community and GP practice incidence, 30 healthcare-associated infections, pathogen frequencies, 28
frequency as traveller’s diarrhoea cause, 33 heart rate increase, 45
frequency by year and age, 31 hepatosplenomegaly, xiv
glucose, blood heterogeneity, definition, xiv
electrolyte relationship in diarrhoea, 49, 52 hierarchy of evidence, xiv
routine testing unnecessary, 52 home care. see care at home
see also hyperglycaemia; hypoglycaemia homeopathy combination therapy, placebo vs, studies, 126
glucose, in ORS, 64 homeopathy, placebo vs, 125, 126
glutamine, 117, 122 homogeneity, definition, xiv
evidence overview, 122 hospitals, costs related to IVT, 146
evidence summary, 123 hyperchloraemic acidosis, xiv
GDG interpretation of evidence, 125 hyperglycaemia, xiv
gold standard, xiv incidence, 49, 51
grey standard, xiv hyperkalaemia, xiv
guideline (this, on diarrhoea and vomiting) hypernatraemia, xiv, 48
aims, 3 blood glucose relationship, 49
areas outside remit, 4 incidence, 49, 51, 52
areas within remit, 3 ORS associated, 61
background to need, 2 hypernatraemic dehydration, 47
development group. see Guideline Development definition, 47
Group evidence overview, 47
development methodology, 5 evidence summary, 47
diagnostic test accuracy, 7 GDG interpretation of evidence, 48
economic evaluation, 6 incidence, 49
external review, 8 IVT recommendations, 14, 72, 73
forming and grading recommendations, 8 see also intravenous fluid therapy (IVT)