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key recommendations, 10 intestinal obstruction, xv
ORS composition intravenous fluid therapy (IVT), xv, 66
recommendations, 13, 66 administration rate, 69
see also oral rehydration salt (ORS) solution evidence overview, 69
ORT vs IVT management, 59 evidence summary, 70
evidence overview, 59 GDG interpretation of evidence, 71
evidence summary, 59 key recommendations, 10
GDG interpretation of evidence, 59 recommendations, 14, 72
recommendations, 13, 60 baseline electrolytes before, 72
recommendations, 13, 48 changing to ORT, 73
serum sodium levels, 47 evidence overview/summary, 73
symptoms/signs, 13, 47, 48 GDG interpretation of evidence, 74
hyperreflexia, xiv recommendations, 14, 74
hypertonicity, xiv complications, costs of, 147
hypoglycaemia, xiv, 48 cost-effectiveness, ORT vs. see cost-effectiveness
blood glucose testing, 52 costs, 144
definition, 49 dehydration (not shock) treatment, 71
in dehydration, 49 disadvantages, 59
incidence, 49 equipment costs, 146
hypokalaemia, incidence, 51 failure, 57
hyponatraemia, xv, 48 hypernatraemic dehydration
incidence, 49, 51 key recommendations, 10
IVT optimal compositions for, 68 recommendations, 14, 72, 73
ORS and, 64 indications, 66, 67
hypovolaemic shock, xv GDG interpretation of evidence, 67
dehydration signs vs, 45 recommendations, 13, 67
diagnosis, 38 key recommendations, 10
fluid administration, 52 optimal fluid composition, 67, 71
importance of diagnosis, 44 evidence summary, 68
IVT indication, 66, 67 key recommendations, 10
IVT regimen and optimal fluid composition, 67, 71 recommendations, 14, 73
see also intravenous fluid therapy (IVT) ORT vs. see under oral rehydration therapy (ORT)
lactic acidosis, 52 potassium supplementation, 72
new GDG dehydration classification system, 12, 44, rapid replacement protocol (RRP), 68, 69, 72
46 cost-effectiveness, 73
severe, 45 evidence overview, 69
signs and symptoms, 44 evidence summary, 70
key recommendations, 9 GDG interpretation of evidence, 71
key recommendations, 10
mild-to-moderate dehydration, 69, 70
I² (statistical heterogeneity), xv moderate dehydration, 69
immunocompromised recommendations, 14, 72
definition, xv research recommendations, 18, 73
Salmonella gastroenteritis, antibiotic treatment, 36 volume and rate, 72
incidence, xv recommendations, 13, 72
inclusion criteria. see selection criteria regimen for shock, 67
in-depth interview, xv evidence overview, 67
infants, xv evidence summary, 68
inflammatory bowel disease, xv GDG interpretation of evidence, 71
see also Crohn’s disease; ulcerative colitis recommendations, 13, 72
information/advice for parents/carers, 137 regimens, 68
care at home, 16, 137 research recommendations, 18, 73
recommendations, 16, 137 saline, 68
see also care at home recommendations, 14, 71, 73
key recommendations, 10 unscheduled, ORS composition studies, 61
prevention of spread, 138 volume required, 69
recommendations, 17, 139 assessment and recommendation, 71
inpatients, gastroenteritis, 2 dehydration without shock, 71
intention to treat analysis, xv evidence overview, 69
interleukin-6 (IL-6), bacterial vs viral gastroenteritis, 35 evidence summary, 70
interleukin-8 (IL-8), bacterial vs viral gastroenteritis, 35 GDG interpretation of evidence, 71
internal validity, xv recommendations, 13, 72
intervention, xv intussusception, xv, 32
intervention (experimental) group, xv