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               cluster, x                                       C-reactive protein (CRP)
               cluster randomised trial, x                        bacterial vs viral gastroenteritis, 35
               Cochrane Collaboration, x                             diagnostic accuracy, 35
               Cochrane Library, x                                   evidence summary, 36
               Cochrane review, ORT vs IVT, 142, 150                 GDG interpretation of evidence, 36
               coeliac disease, xi, 26                            quick-read, bacterial vs viral gastroenteritis, 35
               cohort, xi                                       Crohn’s disease, xii, 26
               cohort study, xi                                   indication for investigations, 32
               colloid fluids, xi                               cross-sectional study, xii
                 crystalloid fluids vs, 71                      Cryptosporidium parvum infection
               community                                          antiprotozoal drug therapy, 95
                 infectious intestinal disease incidence, 29         evidence summary, 96
                 suggested prevalence of unreported infections, 29   GDG interpretation, 102
                 viral gastroenteritis incidence, 29, 30             nitazoxanide vs placebo therapy, 95
               community face-to-face assessment                     nitazoxanide/co-trimoxazole vs placebo, 96
                 diagnosis by, recommendations, 12, 46            community and GP practice incidence, 30
                 recommendations, 15, 136                         diagnostic tests, 96
               complementary therapy. see alternative/complementary   frequency as cause of traveller’s diarrhoea, 33
                        therapies                                 frequency by year and age, 31
               concealment of allocation, xi                    crystalloid fluids, xii
               confidence interval (CI), xi                       colloid fluids vs, 71
               confounding variables, ix                        cytotoxin, xii
               confounding variables (confounder), xi
               conscious state changes, 45                      decision analysis, xii
               consensus method, xi                             decision tree, xii
               constipation, xi                                   ORT vs IVT, 141
               consumables, costs, 143                          decision-analytic model, ORT vs IVT in dehydration
                 IVT, 146                                                treatment, 57, 141
                 ORT, 145                                       declaration of interest, xii
               continuity of care, 135                          dehydration, xii, xx, 38
               control group, xi                                  assessment, 38
               controlled clinical trial (CCT), xii               biochemical disturbances with, 51
               cool extremities, dehydration detection, 42           see also biochemical abnormalities, in
               cost(s)                                                   gastroenteritis
                 ORT vs IVT, 142                                  care at home recommendations, 16, 138
                 see also cost-effectiveness                      classification by severity, 43
               cost-benefit analysis, xii                            advantages of new GDG system, 45
               cost-effectiveness                                    American Subcommittee on Acute
                 definition, xii                                         Gastroenteritis, 45
                 ORT vs IVT in dehydration treatment, 57, 140        as guide for fluid management, 44
                    bottom-up costing method, 143                    ESPGHAN, 43
                    costs, 142                                       evidence summary, 42
                    discussion, 150                                  GDG interpretation of evidence, 44
                    IVT costs, 144                                   new GDG system, 12, 44, 46
                    literature review, 140                           WHO, 43
                    method, 141                                   clinical assessment, 38
                    model parameters/assumptions, 141             clinical detection, 40
                    Monte Carlo simulation, 151                      evidence overview, 41
                    one-way sensitivity analysis, 148                evidence summary, 42
                    ORT costs, 144                                   GDG interpretation of evidence, 42
                    results, 148                                     ‘gold standard’, 17, 46
                    ‘worst case’ sensitivity analysis, 147, 148, 150  key recommendations, 9
                 rapid IVT, 73                                       parental observation vs professionals, 41
               cost-effectiveness analysis, definition, xii          precision, 41
               cost-minimisation approach, IVT vs ORT in             recommendations, 12, 46
                        dehydration, 57                              reference standard, 41, 42
               cost-utility analysis, xii                            systematic review, 41
               co-trimoxazole, Cryptosporidium parvum infection, 96  training of clinicians, 45
               cow’s milk                                         clinical features, 12, 17, 40, 41, 46, 47
                 formula reintroduction after rehydration, 81, 82    key recommendations, 9
                 lactose-free cow’s milk vs, after rehydration, 86   signs. see dehydration, signs
                 protein intolerance, 89                             symptoms, history, 41
                 special formula vs, refeeding after rehydration, 87  enteric pathogen frequency, 28
                 see also milk formulae                           fluid deficit percentage, 42

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