Page 192 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
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Entamoeba histolytica GDG interpretation of evidence, 88
frequency as traveller’s diarrhoea cause, 33 reintroduction of solid foods, 83
frequency by year and age, 31 evidence overview, 83
enteric adenovirus infection, 28, 29 evidence summary, 85
clinical features, 24 GDG interpretation of evidence, 88
community and GP practice incidence, 30 local diet comparisons, 83
frequency as cause of traveller’s diarrhoea, 33 porridge (consistencies), 84
frequency by year and age, 31 solid foods vs soy formula, 84
enteric infection, xiii solid foods, 78
enteric viruses special milk formulas, 86
frequency, stool examination, 28 cow’s milk formula vs special formula, 87
see also enteric adenovirus infection; rotavirus cow’s milk formula vs treated cow’s milk formula, 86
infection evidence overview, 86
epidemiological data, public health authority access, 34 evidence summary, 88
epidemiology, xiii GDG interpretation of evidence, 89
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), xiii soy formula in early vs late feeding, 87
diagnostic accuracy, bacterial vs viral gastroenteritis, soy formula vs lactose-containing formula, 86
35 timing (early vs late), 78, 79
erythromycin after ORS, 79
Campylobacter gastroenteritis, 92, 93 evidence overview, 79
prior to pathogen identification, 96 evidence summary, 81
‘escalation of care’, 2 formulae, 79
see also care escalation GDG interpretation of evidence, 88
Escherichia coli infections solid foods, 79, 80
antibiotic therapy, 95, 102 weight gain benefit, 79, 80, 81
duration of diarrhoea, 25 feeding during rehydration, 76
frequency, stool examination, 28 breastfeeding. see breastfeeding/breast-fed infants
non-O157, community and GP practice incidence, 30 evidence overview, 76
Escherichia coli Nissle 1917, 133 evidence summary, 77
Escherichia coli O157 GDG interpretation of evidence, 77
H7, 27 milk formulae and solids, 78
antibiotic therapy indications, 99, 102 recommendations, 14, 78
evidence summary, 100 feeding, advice, 76
frequency as cause of traveller’s diarrhoea, 33 fever, recommendations, 11, 27
indications for investigations, 34, 36 fibre. see dietary fibre
monitoring of children with, 11, 36, 37 fluid(s)
progression, risk factors, 99, 102 colloids. see colloid fluids
Escherichia coli O157, community and GP practice crystalloid. see crystalloid fluids
incidence, 30 fluid administration
ESPGHAN, dehydration severity classification, 43 regimen, 64
evidence level, xiii route, 2
diagnostic test accuracy, 7 see also intravenous fluid therapy (IVT); oral
intervention studies, 6 rehydration therapy (ORT)
evidence table, xiii fluid management, 54
evidence-based clinical practice, xiii after rehydration, 74
exclusion criteria. see selection criteria GDG interpretation of evidence, 74
experimental group, xv recommendations, 14, 75
experimental study, xiii dehydration treatment, 55
experimental treatment, xiii ORT vs IVT, 55
expert advisors, 3 see also oral rehydration therapy (ORT)
external validity, xiii flow pathway, 19
eyes, sunken, 44 intravenous. see intravenous fluid therapy (IVT)
dehydration detection, 42 key recommendations, 10
new GDG system of dehydration classification, 44
feeding after rehydration, 78 optimal fluids, 60
diluted feeds, 78 oral rehydration. see oral rehydration therapy (ORT)
recommendations, 15, 89 primary economic focus, 8
reintroduction of milk/liquids, 81 primary prevention of dehydration, 54
cow’s milk formula, 81, 82 evidence overview, 54
diarrhoea recurrence, 81, 82 evidence summary, 55
evidence overview, 81 GDG interpretation of evidence, 55
evidence summary, 83 recommendations, 13, 55
fruit juice, 82 see also intravenous fluid therapy (IVT); oral
full-strength vs graded feeding regimens, 81, 82 rehydration therapy (ORT)