Page 188 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
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Notes Shigella gastroenteritis, 94
‘GDG interpretation of evidence’ implies GDG anion gap, measurement, 52
translation from evidence to recommendations. anthropometric measures, ix
vs denotes comparison, or differential diagnosis. antibiotic therapy, 90
Campylobacter infection. see Campylobacter
abdominal pain, 25 Escherichia coli infections, 95, 102
causative infections, 24 GDG interpretation of evidences, 101
absolute risk, ix indications, 99
acid–base status measurements, 52 Escherichia coli O157
acidosis, ix, 48 H7, 99, 102
hyperchloraemic, xiv evidence summary, 100
in dehydration diagnosis, 50 Salmonella infections, 36, 100, 102
metabolic, 71 intramuscular vs oral, 91, 94
in shock, 52 prior to pathogen identification, 96
activated charcoal, 109, 110 evidence overview, 96
evidence overview, 110 evidence summary, 98
evidence summary, 110 GDG interpretation, 101
acute phase-proteins, ix protozoal infections responsive to, 102
adenovirus infection. see enteric adenovirus infection recommendations, 15, 103
adsorbent agents, 109, 110 role in gastroenteritis, 90
GDG interpretation of evidence, 116 Salmonella infection. see Salmonella gastroenteritis
see also kaolin; smectite Shigella gastroenteritis, 94, 102
advice for parents/carers. see information/advice for traveller’s diarrhoea. see traveller’s diarrhoea
parents/carers Yersinia enteritis, 93, 102
Aeromonas, community and GP practice incidence, 30 antibiotics, diarrhoea associated, 26, 34, 101
aetiological agents antidiarrhoeal agents, ix, 109
bacterial vs viral, diagnosis GDG interpretation of evidence, 116
ESR and CRP, 35 recommendations, 15, 117
IL-6, IL-8 or CRP, 35 research recommendations, 117
leucocyte counts, 36 see also adsorbent agents; antimotility agents;
quick-read CRP, 35 antisecretory agents
clinical features associated, 24 anti-emetic agents, ix, 104
incidence in community and GP practice cases, 30 evidence overview, 104
laboratory reports, frequency by year/age, 31 evidence summary, 108
see also clinical diagnosis; specific pathogens GDG interpretation of evidences, 109
age research recommendations, 18, 109
dehydration risk, 38, 39 see also ondansetron
laboratory reports of aetiological agents, frequency antimotility agents, ix, 109, 115
by, 31 evidence overview, 115
allocation concealment, xi antiprotozoal drug therapy, Cryptosporidium parvum,
alternative/complementary therapies, 125 95
evidence overview, 125 see also Cryptosporidium parvum infection
evidence summary, 126 antisecretory agents, ix, 109, 111
GDG interpretation of evidence, 126 evidence overview, 111
American Academy of Pediatrics, IV fluid see also bismuth subsalicylate; racecadotril
administration rate, 72 appendicitis, ix
American Subcommittee on Acute Gastroenteritis, appraisal of evidence, ix
dehydration classification by severity, 45 area under curve (AROC), ix
amoebic dysentery, 27 association, definition, ix
amoxicillin, Salmonella gastroenteritis, 90 astroviruses, 28
ampicillin community and GP practice incidence, 30
Escherichia coli infections, 95 audit, clinical, x
Salmonella gastroenteritis, 90, 91 azithromycin, Salmonella gastroenteritis, 91