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Diarrhoea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis in children under 5 years

            dehydration (cont.)                                 clinical. see clinical diagnosis of gastroenteritis
               hypernatraemic. see hypernatraemic dehydration   laboratory. see laboratory investigations
               laboratory investigations, 48                    reconsidering during illness, 21
                 accuracy of diagnosis by, 50                diagnostic study, xii
                 biochemical abnormality prevalence, 48      diagnostic test accuracy, levels of evidence, 7
                 evidence overview, 48                       diarrhoea, 1
                 evidence summary, 52                           acute-onset, causes, 21
                 GDG interpretation of evidence, 52             antibiotics associated, 26, 34, 101
                 incidence of biochemical anomalies, 48         bloody, 24, 25, 27
                 recommendations, 13, 53                          indication for investigations, 32
               management, 38, 55                               definition, 21
                 key recommendations, 10                          used by GDG, 22
                 see also fluid management; oral rehydration    differential diagnosis, 26
                     therapy (ORT)                              duration, 22
               mild, 44, 45                                       dietary fibre effect, 124
                 diagnosis, 38                                    erythromycin therapy in Campylobacter
               mild-moderate, 43                                      gastroenteritis, 93
               moderate, 44, 45                                   evidence summary, 23
               prevalence, 24                                     GDG interpretation of evidence, 23
               primary prevention, 13, 54                         homeopathy studies, 125
                 see also fluid management                        probiotics effect, 128, 129, 132
               recurrence after rehydration, 54                   recommendations, 11, 23
                 fluid management, 74                             rice-based vs glucose-based ORS, 63
                 frequency, 74                                    specific infections, 24, 25
                 GDG interpretation of evidence, 74               studies, 22, 23
                 recommendations, 14, 75                          viral vs bacterial infections, 24, 25
                 risk, 74                                         zinc therapy effect, 118
               ‘red flag’ signs, 12, 45, 46, 135                frequency, dehydration risk factor, 39
                 key recommendations, 9                         non-infective causes, 26
                 monitoring, 45                                 persistence, 22, 24
               risk factors, 38                                   indications for investigations, 34
                 care at home recommendations, 16, 138            probiotic studies, 127
                 evidence overview, 38                            risk factors, 24, 25
                 evidence summary, 40                           prevention of spread, 138
                 GDG interpretation of evidence, 40               recommendations, 17, 139
                 recommendations, 40                            stool frequency
                 withdrawal of breastfeeding, 38, 54, 77          probiotics effect, 128
               severe, 43, 44, 45                                 zinc effect, 120
                 ORS volume, 65                                 traveller’s. see traveller’s diarrhoea
                 ORT vs IVT, 57                              dietary fibre, 117, 124
                    see also oral rehydration therapy (ORT)     evidence overview, 124
               severity assessment, 40                          evidence summary, 124
                 evidence overview, 41, 42                      GDG interpretation of evidence, 124, 125
                 evidence summary, 42                        Dioralyte®, 64
                 GDG interpretation of evidence, 44          dominance, xii
                 key recommendations, 9                      double-blind study, xiii
                 recommendations, 12, 46                     ‘doughy skin’, 47, 48
                 research recommendations, 17, 46            drug-related conditions, diarrhoea/vomiting, 26
               signs, 41                                     dysentery, xiii
                 differentiated from hypovolaemic shock, 45     shigellosis, 102
                 GDG considerations, 44                           see also Shigella infections
                 research recommendations, 17, 46            dystonic reactions, 104
                 summary of, and sensitivity/specificity, 43  dysuria, xiii
                 see also dehydration, clinical features
               viral gastroenteritis, 24
            Delphi process, indicators for care escalation, 134  economic evaluation, xiii
            developed countries, gastroenteritis, 1          effectiveness. see clinical effectiveness
            developing countries                             efficacy, xiii
               dehydration risk factors, 38                  elective, xiii
               gastroenteritis mortality, 1                  Electrolade®, 64
               guideline development and, 3                  electrolytes
            dexamethasone, 104                                  abnormalities. see specific abnormalities
               placebo vs, 106, 108                             baseline measurements before IVT, 72
            diagnosis of gastroenteritis, 21                 endemic, definition, xiii

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