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               odds ratio (OR), xvii                              WHO, composition, 61, 63, 64
               ondansetron, 104                                      reduced osmolarity solution vs, 61
                 health economics, 108, 153                     oral rehydration therapy (ORT), xvii, 54
                    costs, 154                                    administration rate, rapid, IV fluid vs, 69
                    discussion, 155                               costs, 144, 150
                    economic analysis, 153                        dehydration risk without, 54
                    effectiveness measure, 153                    duration, 65
                    model probabilities, 153                      failure, IVT after, 67
                    results, 154                                  home, dehydration prevention, 54
                    sensitivity analysis, 154                     isotonic solution recommendation by NPSA, 71
                 intravenous                                      IVT comparison, 55
                    vs metaclopramide vs placebo, 108                Cochrane review, 142
                    vs placebo, 106, 108                             cost-effectiveness. see cost-effectiveness
                 oral, placebo vs, 105, 106, 108                     recommendations, 13, 60
                    benefits, 108                                 IVT vs (all degrees/types of dehydration), 56
                    economic advantages, 108                         cost-effectiveness evidence, 57
                    effect on hospital readmission, 107              evidence overview, 56
                    effect on need for IVT, 107                      evidence summary, 57
                    GDG interpretation, 109                          failure estimates, 56
                    meta-analysis, 106                               phlebitis risk with IVT, 56
                    research recommendations, 18, 109                risk of failure to rehydrate, 56, 59
                    vomiting cessation, 107, 108                  IVT vs (developed countries) systematic review, 62
               oral fluids                                        IVT vs (hypernatraemic dehydration), 59
                 optimal                                             see also hypernatraemic dehydration
                    clear fluids vs ORS, 60                       IVT vs (severe dehydration), 57
                    evidence overview, 60                            evidence overview, 57
                    evidence summary, 60                             evidence summary, 59
                    GDG interpretation of evidence, 61               GDG interpretation of evidence, 59
                 rehydration after IVT, 68                           Indonesian RCT, 58
                 types and effectiveness, 60                         Iran RCT, 57
               oral rehydration salt (ORS) solution, xvii, 54        reduced osmolarity ORS vs WHO ORS and, 64
                 advantages, 55                                   IVT, changing from, 73
                 cereal-based, 64                                    recommendations, 74
                 composition and variations, 61                   nasogastric tube administration, 65
                    products available in UK, 64                     research recommendations, 17, 66
                 glucose-based vs rice-based, 61, 64              optimal composition/administration, 60
                    Cochrane review, 62                              clear fluids vs ORS, 60
                    diarrhoea duration, 63                           recommendations, 13, 66
                    evidence overview, 61                            see also oral fluids; oral rehydration salt (ORS)
                    evidence summary, 63                                 solution
                 glycine-based, 64                                prevention of dehydration, 54
                 high-osmolarity/low-sodium vs low-osmolarity/low-  recommendations, 13, 66
                        sodium, 61                                regimen, 64
                    evidence overview, 61                            evidence overview, 64
                    evidence summary, 63                             evidence summary, 65
                    GDG interpretation of evidence, 63               GDG interpretation of evidence, 65
                    systematic review, 62                            GDG worked example, 65
                 home, dehydration prevention, 54                    recommendations, 13, 66
                 hypernatraemia associated, 61                       research recommendations, 17, 66
                 IVT vs                                           timing of feeding after, 79
                    all grades/types of dehydration, 56           traditional approach, 65
                    see also oral rehydration therapy (ORT)       volume given, 65
                 nasogastric tube administration, 17, 66             by body weight, 65
                 not provided, dehydration associated, 38            GDG recommendation, 65
                 optimal composition, 60, 61                      zinc therapy with, 118
                    evidence overview, 60                       osmolality, oral rehydration fluids, 60
                    evidence summary, 63                        osmolarity, xvii
                    GDG interpretation of evidence, 63          osmosis, xvii
                    key recommendations, 10                     otitis media, acute, 26
                    recommendations, 13, 66                     outcome, xvii
                 oral glucose electrolyte vs oral sucrose solution, 64
                 organic solutes in, 61                         P value, xviii
                 osmolarity, 61, 62, 64                         paralytic ileus, xvii, 149, 151
                 supplementary, after rehydration, 75           parasite, xvii

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