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               research recommendations                         selection criteria, xx
                 antidiarrhoeal agents, 117                     semi-structured interview, xx
                 anti-emetic agents, 18, 109                    sensitivity, xx
                 fluid management, 17, 66                       sensitivity analysis, ondansetron health economics, 154
                 key priorities, 17                             septicaemia, indications for investigations, 34
                 probiotics, 18, 133                            serum creatinine, accuracy of dehydration diagnosis, 50
                 severity of dehydration, 17, 46                Shigella infections
                 summary, 19                                      antibiotic therapy, 94, 102
               respiratory pattern, abnormal, dehydration detection, 42, 44  community and GP practice incidence, 30
               retrospective study, xx                            duration of diarrhoea, 25
               Ringer’s lactate, 58, 68                           frequency as cause of traveller’s diarrhoea, 33
                 WHO recommendation, 71                           vitamin A therapy vs placebo, 122
               risk, ix                                         shock, xx
               risk difference (RD), xx                           assessment, 38
               risk ratio (RR), xix                               see also hypovolaemic shock
               rotavirus infection                              single-blind study, xx
                 bismuth subsalicylate trial, 113               skin turgor, xx
                 clinical features, 24                            abnormal, in dehydration, 41, 42, 44
                 community and GP practice incidence, 30          reduced, hypernatraemic dehydration, 48
                 costs and burden associated, 2                 small round structured viruses, community and GP
                 duration of diarrhoea, 24, 25                           practice incidence, 30
                    probiotics effect, 129                      smectite, 110
                 frequency, 32                                    evidence overview, 110
                    healthcare-associated infections, 29          evidence summary, 111
                    stool examination, 28, 29                   socio-demographic factors, dehydration risk, 39
                 incidence, 2                                   sodium
                    Europe, 29                                    in oral rehydration fluids, 60, 64
                 racecadotril vs placebo, 112                     serum levels in hypernatraemic dehydration, 47
                 sequelae after, 24                             sodium chloride solution, NPSA recommendation, 71
               Royal Colleges, xx                               solid feeding. see feeding after rehydration
                                                                soups, 60
               Saccharomyces boulardii, 131                     soy formula
               Saccharomyces probiotics                           early vs late refeeding after rehydration, 87
                 evidence overview, 127                           lactose-containing formula vs, after rehydration, 86
                 see also probiotics                              solid foods vs, feeding after rehydration, 84
               safety netting, xx, 135                            with fibre vs without fibre, 124
                 recommendations, 15, 136                       soy polysaccharide (fibre), 117
               Salmonella gastroenteritis                       specificity, xxi
                 antibiotic therapy, 36, 90                     staff costs, 143
                    ampicillin vs placebo, 91                     IVT, 145
                    ampicillin/amoxicillin vs placebo, 90         ORT, 145
                    antibiotics vs placebo, 90                  stakeholder organisations, vi, 3
                    azithromycin/cefixime vs placebo, 91        standard deviation (SD), xxi
                    evidence overview, 90                       standardised mean difference (SMD), xxi
                    evidence summary, 92, 101                   Staphylococcus aureus, community and GP practice
                    GDG interpretation, 101                              incidence, 30
                    indications, 36, 100                        statistical power, xxi
                    intramuscular vs oral, 91                   stool microbiological investigation, 27
                    relapses, 91                                  enteric pathogen frequency, 27
                    trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole vs placebo, 91     children aged under 2 years study, 28
                 community and GP practice incidence, 30             community studies vs GP, 29, 30
                 complications, 100                                  evidence overview, 28
                 dehydration, 101                                    evidence summary, 30
                 duration of diarrhoea, 24, 25                       healthcare-associated infections, 28
                 frequency as cause of traveller’s diarrhoea, 32, 33  population-based study, 29
                 frequency by year and age, 31                       south Wales study, 28
                 invasive salmonellosis risk factors, 100, 102       specific pathogens by year/age, 31
                 sequelae after, 24                                  sub-regional infectious disease hospital study, 28
               salmonellosis, invasive, risk factors, 100, 102       surveillance study (1999-2000), 28
               sample, xx                                            winter surveillance studies, 29
               Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), xx  indications for (GDG), 32
               secondary care, xx                                 key recommendations, 9
               secondary outcome, xx                              recommendations (indications), 11, 34
               selection bias, xx                                 sample collection/transport, 11, 34

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