Page 197 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
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Diarrhoea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis in children under 5 years
parents protocol, xviii
guideline version available for, 4 protozoal infections
inclusion in GDG, 3 diarrhoea, 24
information/advice for. see information/advice for therapy, 102
parents/carers see also specific infections
PCT. see primary care trust pseudomembranous colitis, 34, 102
peer review, xvii pyloric stenosis, xviii
pH, blood, ix
phenothiazines, 104 qualitative research, xviii, xix
adverse effects, 104 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), xix
phlebitis, xvii IVT vs ORT in dehydration, 57
costs, 147, 149, 151 ORT vs IVT, costs, 148, 151
risk, IVT vs ORT, 56 quantitative research, xix
photophobia, xvii quasi-random allocation, xix
placebo, xi, xvii
pneumonia, 26 racecadotril, 2, 109
point estimate, xvii evidence overview (placebo trials), 112
positive likelihood ratio, xviii evidence summary, 113
positive predictive value, xviii GDG interpretation of evidence, 116
potassium, in oral rehydration fluids, 60, 64 research recommendations, 117
power. see statistical power random allocation, xix
predictive value randomisation, xix
negative, xvi randomised controlled trials (RCT), xii, xix
positive, xviii range of advice for parents, 76
prevalence, xviii ‘rapid dehydration’ strategies, 2
primary care, xviii Rapolyte®, 64
primary care trust (PCT), xviii receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve), xix
primary outcome, xviii recommendations, xiv, 3
probability, xviii by GDG, background to, 3
cost-effectiveness of ORT vs IVT model, 141 forming and grading, 8
probiotics, xviii, 126 formulation, importance of health economics, 7
Escherichia coli Nissle 1917, 133 key priorities (recommendations), 9
evidence overview (multicentre RCT), 133 summary, 9
evidence summary, 133 antibiotic therapy, 15
GDG interpretation of evidences, 133 dehydration/shock assessment, 12
Lactobacillus acidophilus LB, 130 diagnosis, 11
evidence overview, 130 escalation of care, 15
evidence summary, 130 fluid management, 13
Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces, 127 information/advice, 16
effect on diarrhoea duration, 128 nutritional management, 14
effect on stool frequency, 128 therapy (antidiarrhoeal), 15
evidence overview, 127 red flag symptoms and signs, xix, 12, 46, 135
evidence summary, 129 dehydration, 45
meta-analysis, placebo vs, 128 key recommendations, 9
placebo vs, 127 re-feeding syndrome, 95
Lactobacillus paracasei strain ST11, 130 referral, urgent, 135
evidence overview, 130 regression analysis, xix
evidence summary, 131 rehydration
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, 129 care at home recommendations after, 16, 138
evidence overview, 129 dehydration recurrence. see dehydration
evidence summary, 130 feeding after. see nutritional management
rotavirus diarrhoea duration, 129 rehydration failure
Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains 573L/1, 573L/2, definitions, 58
573L/3, 131 ORT vs IVT, 56
evidence overview, 131 relative risk (RR), xix
evidence summary, 131 reliability, definition, xx
potential benefits, 2 remote assessment, xix, 134
research recommendations, 18, 133 challenges, 134
Saccharomyces boulardii, 131 diagnosis recommendations, 12, 46
evidence overview (systematic review), 131 escalation of care. see care escalation
evidence summary, 132 GDG interpretation on signs/symptoms, 135
professionals, inclusion in GDG, 3 healthcare professionals, 134
prognostic factor, xviii recommendations for referral, 15, 136
prospective study, xviii urgency and care level considerations, 134