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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  25

             Module 2: Figure cell-specific Ca 2 +  signalsomes

                                         SKELETAL      CARDIAC        Ca1
                                        MUSCLE CELL   ATRIAL CELL    NEURON         T CELL
                            Receptors                 ET-1R/ 1R     mGluR1          TCR
                                                       AngIIR          M1
                              PLC                      PLC           PLC           PLC
                            Entry        Ca   1.1      Ca   1.2  Ca   1.2/ Ca   2.1
                            channels       V             V       Ca   2.2/ NMDAR    Orai1
                            Release      RYR1          RYR2         RYR2
                            channels                   InsP  R2     InsP  R2       InsP  R1
                            PMCAs        PMCA1a,      PMCA1c,     PMCA1a, 2a       PMCA4b
                                         1c,1d        1d,2a       3a
                             SERCAs    SERCA1a, 1b    SERCA2a      SECA2b, 3       SERCA2b, 3
                             Na  /Ca 2+   NCX           NCX1                          –
                             exchanger                              NCX1, 3
                             Buffers   Parvalbumin                 Calbindin 28K
                                       Troponin c    Troponin c
                             Sensors                               Calmodulin     Calmodulin
                                       Calmodulin    Calmodulin

             Some examples of cell-specific Ca 2 +  signalling signalsomes.
             The four cell types represented here generate Ca 2 +  signals with very different spatial and temporal properties. For example, the skeletal muscle
             signalsome selects out those components specialized to deliver rapid pulses of Ca 2 +  to activate contraction, whereas the T cell signalsome has
             different components that generate the much slower repetitive pulses of Ca 2 +  necessary to stimulate cell proliferation.

             • NAADP control of Ca 2 +  release                 Another classical process for releasing internal Ca 2 +
                                                              is the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP 3 )/Ca 2 +  signalling
               One of the major problems in Ca 2 +  signalling has been  cassette (Ca 2 +  module 6 in Module 2: Figure Ca 2 +  mod-
             to determine how stimuli arriving at the cell surface gain  ules). Other Ca 2 +  -mobilizing messengers have been de-
             access to these internal stores. Two main mechanisms have  scribed such as sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), cyclic ADP
             been identified:                                  ribose (cADPR) and nicotinic acid–adenine dinucleotide
                                                              phosphate (NAADP).
             1. Conformational coupling through a protein--protein  The channels responsible for these Ca 2 +  ON reactions
               interaction. This is a very fast mechanism that depends  usually have powerful inactivation mechanisms that rap-
               upon a sensor in the plasma membrane interacting dir-  idly curtail the entry or release processes to prevent the
               ectly with an internal release channel. The receptor on  cell being swamped with Ca 2 + , which can result in cell
               the cell surface is the Ca V 1.1 L-type channel (a voltage
                                                              stress and apoptosis. Once the ON reactions have been
               sensor), which is coupled to the type 1 ryanodine re-  curtailed, the Ca  2 +  OFF reactions rapidly take over
               ceptor 1 (RYR1) (Ca 2 +  module 4 in Module 2: Figure  to return the activated level of Ca 2 +  back to its resting
               Ca 2 +  modules). Information is transferred through a  level.
               process of conformational coupling. This mechanism is
               restricted to skeletal muscle (Module 7: Figure skeletal
               muscle E-C coupling) and perhaps also to some neur-
               ons.                                           Ca 2 +  -induced Ca 2 +  release (CICR)
             2. Generation of diffusible second messengers. Activa-  AprocessofCa 2 +  -induced Ca 2 +  release (CICR) plays a
               tion of receptors or channels on the cell surface gen-  central role in the way Ca 2 +  signals are generated. This
               erate second messengers that then diffuse into the cell  positive-feedback mechanism whereby Ca 2 +  triggers its
               to activate release channels. One of the most signific-  own release has two important functions in cells. It en-
               ant Ca 2 + -mobilizing messengers is Ca 2 +  itself, which  ables Ca 2 +  entering across the plasma membrane to func-
               is a potent activator of the two main internal re-  tion as a messenger to release Ca 2 +  from the internal store
               lease channels, the ryanodine receptors (RYRs) and the  (Module 2: Figure Ca 2 +  -induced Ca 2 +  release). This func-
               inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (InsP 3 Rs).This  tion of CICR was first described in cardiac cells, where the
               Ca 2 +  -induced Ca 2 +  release (CICR) mechanism has  Ca V 1.2 L-type channel provides an influx of trigger Ca 2 +
               the unique property of being autocatalytic and plays  that then diffuses into the cell to activate the ryanodine
               a central role in generating those Ca 2 +  signals that  receptor 2 (RYR2) (Ca 2 +  module 5 in Module 2: Figure
               appear as regenerative Ca 2 +  waves (Module 2: Figure  Ca 2 +  modules). A similar interaction is particularly evid-
               Ca 2 +  -induced Ca 2 +  release).             ent for neuronal Ca 2 +  entry and release channels.

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