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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  21

             Module 2:  Table continued
             Monomeric G protein, GEF or GAP    Comments
               Arf GEFs
                Cytohesin 1
                Cytohesin 4
                GBF1                            Golgi-specific brefeldin A resistant factor 1 functions in COPI-mediated protein transport
                                                  from the Golgi to the ER (Module 4: Figure COPI-coated vesicles)
                ARNO/Geα2                       Arf nucleotide-binding site opener (ARNO)
                BRAG2                           This Arf6 GEF binds to AMPA receptors to promote endocytosis
             GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs)
               Ras GAPs
                Neurofibromin                    This tumour suppressor is lost in the inherited disorder neurofibromatosis type 1
                GAP1IP 4 BP                     Ins1,3,4,5P 4 binds to this protein, causing it to dissociate from the plasma membrane
                                                Ca 2 + -promoted Ras inactivator
                CAPRI                           Ras GTPase-activating-like
                Miro                            Mitochondrial Rho-GTPase functions in mitochondrial motility (Module 5: Figure
                                                  mitochondrial motility)
               Rac GAPs
                3BP-1                           3BP-1 inactivates Rac.GTP by enhancing GTP hydrolysis (Module 2: Figure Rac signalling)
               Rho GAPS
                DLC1 (p122RhoGAP in mice)       Deleted in liver cancer 1 is altered in many tumours. It regulates actin formation in
                                                  adhesion complexes (Module 6: Figure integrin signalling)
                p190-RhoGAP                     Inhibits Rho activity during neutrophil chemotaxis (Module 11: Figure neutrophil
                                                  chemotactic signalling)
                Oligophrenin-1 (OPHN1)          Mutations in OPHN1 have been linked to mental retardation
               Rab GAPs                         See Module 2: Figure Rab signalling
                Tbc1d1                          These Rab GAPs function in the insertion of the GLUT4 transporter (Module7: Figure
                Tbcd14/AS160                      skeletal muscle E-C coupling)
               Arf GAPS                         Function to inactivate Arf.GTP (Module 2: Figure Arf signalling)
                Arf GAP1 group
                 ArfGAP1                        Function in removing the coat from COPI-coated vesicles (Module 4: Figure COPI-coated
                 SMAP1                          Stromal membrane-associated protein
                 Git1                           G-protein-coupled receptor kinase interactors
                AZAP group                      Arf GAP with ANK repeats and PH domain group of Arf GAPs
                 ACAP1                          Arf GAP with coiled-coil, ANK repeats and PH domain (ACAP)
                 ASAP1                          Arf GAP with Src homology 3, ANK repeats and PH domain (ASAP)
                 AGAP1                          Arf GAP with GLD domain, ANK repeats and PH domain (AGAP)
                 ARAP1                          Arf GAP with Rho GAP, ANK repeats and PH domain (ARAP)
             Since some of the families are very large, only representative members have been included. Data for the large Rab family was based on
             that from Supplementary Table S1 from Stenmark (2009).

             activated by Cdc42·GTP, may play a role in actin forma-  stabilize actin by phosphorylating LIM, which then phos-
             tion during the growth of neurites. One of the downstream  phorylates cofilin to prevent it from severing actin. Rho
             targets of MRCK is the MYPT1 subunit (Module 5: Table  also acts on diaphanous-related formin protein (Dia),
             PP1 regulatory and inhibitory subunits and proteins)that  which belongs to a formin-related protein family that in-
             binds protein phosphatase 1δ (PP1δ) and which dephos-  teracts with profilin to promote actin polymerization.
             phorylates the myosin light chain (MLC).           The other major function of ROK is to control contrac-
                                                              tion by activating myosin II in smooth muscle cells and
                                                              in non-muscle cells. The activity of myosin II is regulated
             Rho kinase (ROK)                                 by the phosphorylation status of the myosin light chain
             Rho kinase (ROK) is a serine/threonine kinase that phos-  (MLC) that is associated with the myosin head. When
             phorylates key regulators of actin and myosin function  MLC is dephosphorylated, myosin is inactive, but when
             (Module 2: Figure Rho-regulated kinases). ROK acts to  it is phosphorylated by the Ca 2 +  -sensitive myosin light

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