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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  17

             Module 2: Figure Cdc42 signalling

                          Stimulus                Stimulus

                                  PTKR                                Cdc42 responses
                                TK  TK      ?                       P Cofilin
                                   ITSN-L  Dbs
                                               -Pix  GEFs
                                                            PAK4     LIM-K1   Cofilin

                              Cdc42  GTP  GDP     Cdc42
                              GDP                  GTP
                                                                WASP                    Actin
                                      GAPs                                        Actin
                                                               IRS p53

             Function of the Cdc42 monomeric G protein in signal transduction.
             When bound to GDP, Cdc42 is inactive, but it is activated when the GDP is exchanged for GTP. This exchange is accelerated by guanine nucleotide
             exchange factors (GEFs), but how these are activated is still somewhat of a mystery. The primary action of the Cdc42/GTP complex is to stimulate
             actin assembly by inhibiting the action of cofilin, by promoting actin polymerization by acting on actin/profilin and Wiskott--Aldrich syndrome protein
             (WASP). Further details on the role of WASP are shown in Module 4: Figure actin remodelling.

             cell motility (ELMO). Arf6 has also been implicated in  Another group of Arf GAPs with ANK repeats and PH
             the endocytosis of AMPA receptors during the process  domain (AZAPs) have 12 genes that fall into four groups
             of Ca 2 +  -induced synaptic plasticity at synaptic endings  and the ‘Z’ refers to the protein domain that characterizes
             (See step 4 in Module 10: Figure Ca 2 +  -induced synaptic  each subgroup:
             plasticity). This function of Arf6 depends on the activity
             of BRAG2, which is an Arf GEF that binds to the Glu2  • Arf GAP with coiled-coil, ANK repeats and PH domain
             subunit of the AMPA receptor.                      (ACAP)
               Like other monomeric GTP-binding proteins (G-  • Arf GAP with GLD domain, ANK repeats and PH
             proteins), Arf activity is regulated by a balance between  domain (AGAP)
             Arf guanine nucleotide-exchange factors (Arf GEFs) and  • Arf GAP with Rho GAP, ANK repeats and PH domain
             the Arf GTPase-activating proteins (Arf GAPs) (Module  (ARAP)
             2: Figure Arf signalling). Examples of Arf GEFs are Golgi-  • Arf GAP with Src homology 3, ANK repeats and PH
             specific brefeldin A resistant factor 1 (GBF1) and Arf  domain (ASAP)
             nucleotide-binding site opener (ARNO). These activation  The ASAP family has three genes (ASAP1--3). The
             mechanisms are counteracted by the Arf GAPs that facil-  ASAP3--Arf6 complex is of interest because it is sensitive
             itate the hydrolysis of GTP to GDP thus converting the  to Ca 2 +  that binds to a specific region at the complex
             complex back into its inactive Arf.GDP state. There are 24  interface. This sensitivity to Ca 2 +  suggests that there
             human genes coding for Arf GAPs, which are character-  may be cross-talk between the Arf and Ca 2 +  signalling
             ized by having an Arf GAP domain, that can be separated  pathways.
             into two main groups: the Arf GAP1 type and the Arf GAP  To carry out its role in vesicle trafficking, the Arfs have
             with ANK repeats and PH domain (AZAPs) (Module 2:  two main actions. First, they catalyse the nucleation and
             Table monomeric G protein toolkit).              assembly of coat protein complexes during the process
               The Arf GAP1 group has three genes coding for Arf  of vesicle budding. This role is particularly evident at the
             GAP1-3, two genes for stromal membrane-associated pro-  Golgi during the formation of COPI vesicles (Module 4:
             tein 1 and 2 (SMAP1 and SMAP2) and two genes coding  Figure COPI-coated vesicles). The Arfs also play a role in
             for G-protein-coupled receptor kinase interactors 1 and  recruiting various Arf-associated golgins, such as GMAP-
             2 (Git1 and Git2). ArfGAP1 and ArfGAP2/3 inactivates  210, to the Golgi membrane.
             Arf1.GTP resulting in the shedding of the COPI coat as  The Arfs also function by activating the PtdIns4,5P 2 sig-
             the vesicles approach the endoplasmic reticulum (See step  nalling cassette responsible for controlling multiple func-
             7in Module 4: Figure COPI-coated vesicles).      tions (Module 2: Figure PtdIns4,5P 2 signalling). The Arfs

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