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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  26

             Module 2: Figure Ca 2 +  signalling toolkit

                              CNGA1-4                                   PLC 1-4
                              CNGB1     AMPAR                      G q  PLC 1-2
                              CNGB3     nAChR                      G  11  PLC 1-4
                              TRPA1     5-HT3  Agonists            G  14  PLC
                              TRPC1     NMDAR                      G 15  PLC 1-2
                              TRPC3-7   (NR1-NR3)  Ca   1.1-1.4  GPCRs  G  PLC  PTKRs
                              TRPM2-3   P2X1-7  +  Ca   2.1-2.3
                              TRPM7-8              Ca   3.1-3.3                            Orai1
                              TRPP2                                                Ca   1.1  Orai2
                                                       Acidic Ca  2+                 STIM2  Ca 2+
                             AdipoR1/2                  stores                 2+
                                                               NAADP   InsP 3
                           Ca 2+                     TPC1             +
                                                     TPC2     +
                                                                        InsP R1-3
                          Ca 2+   NCX1-3                                             ER buffers
                               Na                                            Ca 2+   Calreticulin
                                                                          +          GRP78
                             +   +                               +                   GRP94
                             K   & Na
                          Ca 2+                                        RYR2-3
                                        Na                     cADPR
                                             Ca 2+
                                    Na/Ca         +                     Cytosolic buffers
                                                        Ca               CalbindinD-28k
                                   exchanger               2+
                                        Ca 2+  Mitochondrial      SPCA1-2  Parvalbumin
                                       +   +
                                              ATP                                 Nucleus
                                       MTP    ROS         +
                                              formation  +         TRPML1    Chromatin    Cell
                                 Apoptosis  2+                    2+         remodelling  remodelling
                                         Ca                     Ca                        Cell
                                                                      +       Gene
                                              C2 domain     EF-hand          transcription  proliferation
                           Exocytosis        Annexin 1-13      NCS-1   +
                                             Otoferin    CaM   Hippocalcin
                                        +    Protein kinase C  Calpains  Neurocalcin
                                             RASAL       Miro1-2  Recoverin
                           Endocytosis       SynaptotagminI-III  S100A1-14  VILIP1-3
                                                         S100B  GCAP1-3   +
                                                         S100C  KChIP1-4  +        Protein synthesis
                                            +            S100P  CaBP1-5  +         hVps34/mTOR
                          Excitability and
                          fluid secretion   +         +              +               Metabolism
                                +                                                     DAG kinase
                               K                                                      IP 3 Kinase
                             BK, SK,IK & TRESK  Signalling crosstalk  Cytoskeletal  Motility  Phopho-
                                                                    remodelling       diesterase
                                -                                                     Phosphorylase
                               Cl         Cyclic AMP  NO  ROS MAPK PI 3-K  Actin  Myosin
                               Na +                                polymerization  Actin
                              TRPM4/5                        Ras
                              TRPV4-6        AC  NOS  DUOX
             Summary of the major components that contribute to the Ca 2 +  signalling signalsome.
             There is an extensive Ca 2 +  signalling toolkit. The green boxes illustrate the membrane Ca 2 +  channels, whereas the red boxes are the pumps and
             exchangers that move Ca 2 +  either out of the cell or back into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The purple boxes represent the buffers located in
             the cytoplasm or in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To carry out its signalling function, Ca 2 +  binds to sensors with C2 or EF-hand domains that
             then employ a range of effectors to stimulate cellular processes shown in the yellow boxes. These different components are mixed and matched to
             construct various Ca 2 +  signalling modules (Module 2: Figure Ca 2 +  modules) that are then assembled to produce cell-specific signalsomes.
               The other main function of CICR is to set up   respectively. It is these unitary events that are used to gen-
             intracellular Ca 2 +  waves where an elevated level of Ca 2 +  erate the regenerative waves that make up global Ca 2 +
             in one region of the cell (the initiation site) propagates  signals.
             throughout the rest of the cytoplasm as a regenerat-
             ive Ca 2 +  wave. Waves can progress by recruiting either
             RYRs or inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (InsP 3 Rs)  Ca 2 +  OFF reactions
             (Module 2: Figure Ca 2 +  -induced Ca 2 +  release). These  Cells use a variety of mechanisms to remove Ca 2 +  from
             Ca 2 +  waves are made up of elementary Ca 2 +  events such  the cytoplasm (Module 2: Figure Ca 2 +  signalling dynam-
             as the sparks and puffs produced by the RYRs and InsP 3 Rs  ics). The introduction of Ca 2 +  into the cell during the
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