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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  30

             Module 2:  Table continued
             Component                                              Comments
             Ca 2 +  PUMPS AND EXCHANGERS
             Na /Ca 2 +  exchanger (NCX)                            See Module 5: Table Ca 2 +  pumping toolkit for further details
             Na /Ca 2 +  /-K  +  exchanger (NCKX)
             Mitochondrial channels and exchangers                  Module 5: Figure mitochondrial Ca 2 +  signalling
               Permeability transition pore (PMT)
               Na /Ca 2 +  exchanger
               MCU                                                  Mitochondrial Ca 2 +  uniporter
             Plasma membrane Ca 2 + -ATPases (PMCAs)                See Module 5: Table Ca 2 +  pumping toolkit for further details
             Sarco/endo-plasmic reticulum Ca 2 + -ATPases (SERCAs)  See Module 5: Table Ca 2 +  pumping toolkit for further details
             Secretory-pathway Ca 2 + -ATPase (SPCA) pumps
               SPCA1                                                Ubiquitous; located in the Golgi
             The Ca 2 +  signalling system has a very large toolkit of signalling components. The ways in which the major components are organized
             are summarized in Module 2: Figure Ca 2 +  signalling toolkit. Components from this toolkit can be mixed and matched to create a diverse
             array of cell-specific Ca 2 +  signalsomes (Module 2: Figure cell-specific Ca 2 +  signalsomes) that are capable of delivering Ca 2 +  signals
             with very different spatial and temporal properties.

             Ca 2 +  ON reactions usually occurs for a relatively brief  and the resting level (Module 5: Figure Ca 2 +  uptake and
             period during which there is a rapid increase in the in-  extrusion).
             tracellular concentration of Ca 2 +  . In fact, the increase in  Some of these OFF reactions interact with each other
             free Ca 2 +  that can be measured in the cytoplasm using  during the recovery period, and this is particularly evident
             aequorin or fluorescent indicators is a very small propor-  in the case of the ER/mitochondrial Ca 2 +  shuttle (Module
             tion of the total amount of Ca 2 +  that enters during the  5: Figure ER/mitochondrial shuttle). When Ca 2 +  is re-
             ON reactions. Much of this Ca 2 +  is rapidly bound by the  leased from the ER, Ca 2 +  is rapidly taken up by the mi-
             cytosolic buffers or is taken up by the mitochondria. As  tochondria and this is then released slowly back to the ER
             the Ca 2 +  concentration returns to its resting level, Ca 2 +  once Ca 2 +  has returned to the resting level.
             leaves the buffers and the mitochondria and is returned to  In addition to its role of returning the level of Ca 2 +
             the ER or is pumped out of the cell resulting in a brief  to its resting level following a stimulus, the Ca 2 +  OFF
             Ca 2 +  transient.                               reactions are in constant operation to maintain the rest-
               The recovery process thus depends upon a complex in-  ing level of Ca 2 +  within a fairly narrow range. This cal-
             terplay between cytosolic Ca 2 +  buffers, mitochondria and  ciostat is a dynamic system in that the OFF reactions
             Ca 2 +  pumps and exchangers on the internal stores and on  are operating continuously to reverse the constant basal
             the plasma membrane (Module 2: Figure Ca 2 +  signalling  rate of Ca 2 +  entry through various ‘Ca 2 +  leak pathways’
             dynamics). These Ca 2 +  OFF reactions operate at different  that remain poorly defined. There is increasing evidence
             stages during the recovery phase of a typical Ca 2 +  spike.  that presenilins may function as such a leak channel and
             The buffers and mitochondria operate early, and the Ca 2 +  this has been incorporated into the calcium hypothesis of
             pumps and exchangers are responsible for restoring the  Alzheimer’s disease (see step 10 in Module 12: Figure amyl-
             status quo by pumping Ca 2 +  out of the cell or back into  oid processing and Ca 2 +  signalling). The latter can result
             the ER. These pumps and exchangers operate at different  in an elevation of cytosolic Ca 2 +  if the OFF reactions
             times during the recovery process. The Na /Ca 2 +  ex-  are inhibited. For example, agents such as thapsigargin,
             changers have low affinities for Ca 2 + , but have very high  which inhibit the SERCA pumps on the ER, will result
             capacities and this enables them to function at the begin-  in an increase in Ca 2 +  concentration. Indeed, the rate at
             ning of the recovery process to rapidly remove large quant-  which the Ca 2 +  concentration rises following pump in-
             ities of Ca 2 +  . On the other hand, the plasma membrane  hibition provides a measure of the activity of these leak
             Ca 2 +  -ATPase (PMCA) and sarco/endo-plasmic reticulum  pathways.
             Ca 2 +  -ATPase (SERCA) pumps have lower capacities, but  In pathological situations, the lack of oxygen reduces
             their higher affinities mean that they can complete the re-  the supply of energy, thus compromising the function of
             covery process and can continue to pump at lower Ca 2 +  the OFF reactions, resulting in the rise of Ca 2 +  that is
             levels, thus enabling them to maintain the internal stores  so damaging during stroke or cardiac ischaemia. Under

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