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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  34

             high, CRT and calnexin inhibit the sarco/endo-plasmic re-  same enzyme that possesses both synthase and hydrolase
             ticulum Ca 2 +  -ATPase (SERCA) pump and, when Ca 2 +  is  activity. The cADPR control of Ca 2 +  release is somewhat
             released, this inhibition is relieved and the SERCA pumps  controversial, as its precise mode of action is still unclear.
             can restore Ca 2 +  to its normal level. In addition to its role  A cADPR working hypothesis has been put forward to
             as an ER buffer, CRT may play an active role in ensur-  provide a framework to understand some of the current
             ing that the Ca 2 +  concentration within the ER lumen is  information on how this messenger appears to operate. A
             maintained at the optimal level for protein folding to occur.  relationship between cADPR and cell regulation has been
                                                              established in a number of different cell types.
             Ca 2 +  signalling function
             The function of Ca 2 +  as an intracellular second messenger  cADPR working hypothesis
             is carried out by a combination of Ca 2 +  sensors and Ca 2 +  There is sufficient evidence to take seriously the possibility
             effectors (Module 2: Figure Ca 2 +  signalling toolkit). The  that cADPR functions to regulate Ca 2 +  signalling. What
             major sensors are the EF-hand proteins troponin C (TnC),  seems to be in question is exactly how it functions. This
             calmodulin (CaM), neuronal Ca 2 +  sensor proteins (NCS)  working hypothesis has two main components:
             and the S100 proteins. However, there are a number of
             other sensors (Module 2: Table Ca 2 +  signalling toolkit).  • Firstly, the generation of cADPR is closely coupled to
               These sensors are then responsible for relaying inform-  cellular metabolism, as described in cADPR generation
             ation through a range of effectors:                and metabolism (Module 2: Figure cADPR/NAADP
                                                                function). The idea is that cADPR may function as a
             • Ca 2 +  -sensitive K  +  channels
                                                                metabolic messenger responsible for relaying informa-
             • Ca 2 +  -sensitive Cl  −  channels (CLCAs)
                                                                tion about the state of metabolism to various systems in
             • Ca 2 +  /calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaMKs)
                                                                the cell, especially those that require a heavy expenditure
             • Calcineurin
                                                                of energy. An example would be Ca 2 +  signalling and the
             • Phosphorylase kinase                             downstream elements regulated by Ca 2 + . When energy
             • Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)                 is abundant, an increase in cADPR will set the stage for
             • Ca 2 +  -promoted Ras inactivator (CAPRI) (Module 2:  Ca 2 +  signalling to occur.
               Figure Ras signalling)
                                                              • Secondly, the cADPR control of Ca  2 +  release
                                                                may occur indirectly through an activation of the
             Spatiotemporal aspects of Ca 2 +  signalling       sarco/endo-plasmic reticulum Ca 2 + -ATPase (SERCA)
             The use of Ca 2 +  as a universal signal for cell regulation is  pump to increase the uptake of Ca 2 +  into the endoplas-
             somewhat paradoxical because this ion can be very toxic  mic reticulum/sarcoplasmic reticulum. This increased
             to cells if its level remains high for a prolonged period.  loading of the internal store will serve to sensitize re-
             Such toxicity is avoided by presenting Ca 2 +  signals in a  lease channels such as the RYRs, thus leading to an in-
             pulsatile manner (Module 2: Figure temporal aspects). In  crease in Ca 2 +  signalling. This messenger should thus
             addition to this temporal aspect, the Ca 2 +  signal is also  be considered as a modulator rather than a mediator of
             highly organized in space. The elementary and global as-  Ca 2 +  signalling.
             pects of Ca 2 +  signalling greatly increase the versatility of
             the Ca 2 +  signalling system in that it can act either locally  cADPR generation and metabolism
             or globally. For example, muscle contraction is activated  The generation and metabolism of cADPR are described
             by a global elevation in Ca 2 +  , whereas the release of neur-
                                                              together because both processes are carried out by the
             otransmitters results from a minute punctate pulse of Ca 2 +
                                                              same enzyme: the ADP-ribosyl cyclase (Module 2: Fig-
             delivered directly to the docked vesicle by a Ca 2 +  sensor
                                                              ure cADPR metabolism). The hydrolysis of cADPR pro-
             tightly associated with exocytotic machinery (Module 4:
                                                              duces ADPR, which has been implicated as a messenger
             Figure Ca 2 +  -induced membrane fusion). In between these
                                                              regulating melastatin-related transient receptor potential 2
             two extremes, there are many variations in the way the
                                                              (TRPM2), which is a Ca 2 +  channel in the plasma mem-
             Ca 2 +  signal is presented to cells. Perhaps the most dra-
                                                              brane (Module 2: Figure cADPR/NAADP function). This
             matic are the Ca 2 +  waves that initiate at fixed localities
                                                              is a highly versatile enzyme. In addition to synthesizing
             and then process through the cytoplasm in a regenerative
                                                              and metabolizing cADPR, it is also responsible for syn-
             manner through the process of CICR (Module 2: Figure
                                                              thesizing NAADP. In mammals, this bifunctional enzyme
             Ca 2 +  -induced Ca 2 +  release).
                                                              appears to be the lymphocyte antigen CD38, which is ex-
               These spatiotemporal aspects greatly enhance the ver-
                                                              pressed widely and is located both in the plasma membrane
             satility of Ca 2 +  signalling, thus providing the flexibility to
                                                              and at internal sites. With regard to the former location, its
             regulate so many cellular processes.
                                                              enzymatic region is located on the outside. This is unusual
                                                              because its substrate and its site of action are on the inside
             Cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) signalling             of the cell. It has been suggested that the enzyme might
             Cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) is one of the messengers as-  use NAD  +  derived from dying cells at sites of infections
             sociated with the NAD  +  signalling pathways.cADPR has  to generate cADPR, which is then transported into the
             attracted considerable attention as a putative messenger to  cell.
             regulate the Ca 2 +  signalling pathway. cADPR generation  The intracellular enzyme is more likely to be the one
             and metabolism is unusual in that it is carried out by the  that functions in most cells. Just how the cyclase is

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